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时间:2017-06-15 19:28来源:毕业论文

关键词   带通滤波器  ADS  带外抑制度  X波段
Title  X-band hairpin band-pass filter design  
With the development of communication technology, frequency resources are increasingly tense, resulting in more and more signal interference between systems. In order to reduce the signal attenuation and suppress all kinds of interfering signals in the system, it’s more and more important to develop the narrow-band, small-size and high out-of-band filters both at home and abroad.
The design is a new type of microwave band-pass filter. Using the microwave solid-state circuit professional knowledge, design the low-pass prototype, calculate each section of the even mode and odd mode characteristic impedance and calculate the geometric dimensions of the micro-strip line. Simulate and Optimize the filter width, length, and the  micro-strip  line spacing in the schematic, combined with ADS , optimize for many times to get the best results with the in-band insertion loss less than 3dB and the out-of-band rejection greater than 60dB. Through the design, I’m familiar with the design flow of microwave filter and the ADS software simulation.
Keywords  band-pass filter  ADS  out-of-band rejection  X-band
1  绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 国内外发展现状    1
1.3 本文的工作    3
2滤波器基础理论    4
2.1基本原理    4
2.2分类    4
2.3微波滤波器    4
3微带线滤波器    11
3.1 微带线    11
3.2微带线滤波器基本原理    20
3.3微带线滤波器分类    20
4 微带发卡式带通滤波器设计与仿真    22
4.1 设计低通原型    22
4.2计算微带线几何尺寸    22
4.3仿真及优化    24
结  论    31
致  谢    32
参考文献    33
附录    351  绪论
1.1 研究背景
   随着通信、雷达、广播、遥感、测量、电子对抗和空间技术等的日益发展,从米波段到毫米波段甚至更短的广阔波段上,微波滤波器在通信、信号处理、雷达等各种电路系统的收发、传输和变换处理中具有广泛用途。随着移动通信、电子对抗和导航技术的飞速发展,对新的微波元器件的需求和现有器件性能的改善也提出了更高的要求。特别是由于无线电通信频率资源的日益紧张,分配到各类通信系统的频率间隔越来越密,这对无源器件,尤其是微波、毫米波收发信机中前端无源器件的性能指标提出了更高的要求,以降低前端系统对信号的衰减,抑制各种干扰信号。另外,由于新材料、新工艺的不断出现,以及半导体技术的迅速发展,各种新RF模块层出不穷,使得微波、毫米波RF有源电路的研制周期不断缩短,且电路高度集成,体积越来越小。因此,研制高性能、小体积的无源器件,缩短无源器件设计周期,是目前微波、毫米波通信领域的关键环节之一。 X波段发卡式带通滤波器设计+ADS仿真:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_9197.html