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时间:2022-03-18 20:20来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对医疗水平的要求也不断提高,病房无线呼叫系统的出现极大的满足了人们这一要求。它主要用于协助病人在病床上方便地呼叫医护人员,可将病人的请求快速传送给值班医生或护士,是提高医院和病房护理水平的必备设备。79024


毕业论文关 键 词:nRF24L01,STC89C52,无线传输技术,呼叫系统 

Abstract:With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for medical level is also increasing。 The ward wireless calling system greatly meets the requirements of the people。 It is mainly used to assist patients in hospital to facilitate the call of medical staff, the patient's request to be quickly transmitted to the doctor or nurse on duty。 The pros and cons of ward call system are directly related to patient safety, has been paid attention to by the hospitals。

The ward calling system using single-chip microcomputer, and analyzes the hardware circuit and software design。 In this paper, through the wireless transmission module nRF24L01 through from beyond the collection machine bed number sent to the host, the host receives from the machine when sending a signal, the host control buzzer and light-emitting diodes send out sound and light alarm, remind a patient calls, nurse the echo press the host key, cancel the call。 So that it can realize long-distance data transmission。 This system is pided into the machine testing parts and host receiving display alarm echo。 This performance is stable, small footprint, use less material, transmission speed and distance。

Keywords: nRF24L01, STC89C52, wireless transmit technology, sickbed calling

目   录

1 绪论 3

1。1 课题的发展背景及研究意义 3

1。2 国内外现状及发展动态 3

1。3 研究内容与设计指标 4

1。4 方案设计与验证 5

2 芯片资料简介 5

2。1 无线收发模块 5

2。1。1 nRF24L01概述 6

2。1。2引脚功能描述 6

2。1。3 工作模式 7

2。1。4 工作原理 7

2。1。5 配置寄存器 8

2。2 STC89C52单片机简介 9

2。2。1 基本组成 9

2。2。2 引脚功能描述 10

2。3 LCD1602 液晶显示模块 11

2。3。1 LCD1602特性及使用说明 11

2。3。2引脚功能描述 13

3 系统硬件设计 14

3。1 硬件系统设计总体方案 14

3。2 单片机最小系统 STC89C52单片机nRF24L01的病房无线呼叫系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_91209.html
