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时间:2021-12-12 21:28来源:毕业论文





Title The millimeter wave radiation image characteristics research of Metal stereoscopic target             

Abstract    For passive millimeter wave imaging technology has strong penetrating power and throughout the day, the characteristics of high precision, in detection and guidance and has broad application prospects。 In the military, millimeter wave passive radiation imaging system than the infrared imaging system adapt to the battlefield ability is stronger。

    In this paper, the metal target passive millimeter wave imaging image is studied。 This article summarizes the development background, significance of passive millimeter wave imaging and its application, summarizes the basic principle of millimeter wave imaging, analyzes metal radiation characteristics and the method of image preprocessing。 。Lastly , analyze the radiation characteristics of MMW image through experiments applying a passive MMW imaging systems with a total power radiometer in 3mm band。

    The experimental results show that the canny operator works best for image edge extraction。 The experiment got more goals because of the radiation effects of ambient temperature。 We extract the false edge finally。 According to the experiment of known target information。We adopt an unconventional method to eliminate the influence of false edge。 

Key words:   Millimeter wave radiation image;  Metal target;  Image preprocessing;Feature extraction

目   次

1 绪论 1

1。1 课题背景 1

1。2 被动毫米波成像特点 1

1。3 毫米波图像预处理的意义 4

1。4 全文的编排 5

2 毫米波辐射成像原理 6

2。1 引言

2。2 3mm波段Dicke式辐射计的测量原理 6

2。3 被动辐射原理 8

2。3。1 热辐射定律 8

      2。3。2 温度与功率的关系 11

   2。3。3 非黑体辐射的工作温度 12

3 金属固体毫米波辐射特性成像实验与分析 16

3。1 金属固体毫米波辐射特性分析 16

3。2 3mm波段交流辐射成像系统原理 17

3。3 金属固体毫米波辐射测试实验 canny算子金属立体目标的毫米波辐射图像特征研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_86404.html
