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时间:2017-05-25 17:20来源:毕业论文

关键词  线性调频信号 旋转对称体 矩量法 时域积分方程法 散射场毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
Title Simulation and analysis of the echo signal of the    
        rotating symmetric body excited by the linear frequency
        modulated pulse signal
Linear frequency modulation signal is one of the most convenient signal to get. The shape and signal to noise ratio of its pulse compression isn't sensitive to Doppler Shift.It plays an important role in radar signal compression.
  In the field of electromagnetic scattering calculations, the frequency domain methods have been greatly developed and been proved to be very effective .Its accuracy and speed is recognized in various fields. But in the calculation of the linear FM signal, such as broadband signals, impulse pulse signal and transient signal incentive target electromagnetic scattering characteristics, the performance of the frequency domain method is still  less effective than the time-domain method ,which can directly calculate electromagnetic scattering under the excitation of time-domain signal , and it can record the electromagnetic properties of the target surface with the excitation signal change in real time.It is very suitable for calculating the time-domain echo of the broadband signal.
   We choose a linear FM signal as excitation signal, using the frequency domain method of moments and time domain integral equation method,to perform the simulation of the echo signal generated by the goal of rotating symmetric body.
 Keyword: linear FM signal  rotating symmetric body  method of moment  time domain integral equation  scattered field
目   次

1  绪论    1
1.1  论文的相关背景介绍    1
1.1.1  雷达应用背景    1
1.1.2  电磁散射计算方法    1
1.2  论文的主要工作    2
2  旋转对称体介绍    2
3  线性调频(LFM)信号    4
3.1  时域—带宽积的概念    4
3.2  线性调频信号的频谱    4
3.2.1  线性调频函数表达式    4
3.2.2  线性调频信号的幅度谱    5
3.2.3  线性调频信号的相位谱    6
4  频域矩量法    7
4.1  矩量法的过程简介    7
4.2 频域旋转对称矩量法    8
4.2.1  混合场积分方程    8
4.2.2  基函数的选择    9
4.2.3  测试函数的选择    11
4.2.4  积分方程的矩阵化    11
4.2.5  散射场表达式    13
4.3 由点频计算延伸到宽频信号    14 线性调频脉冲激励下旋转对称体目标回波模拟与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_7801.html