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时间:2021-03-09 22:02来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词    单片机  A/D模块   D/A模块    数字存储示波器


Title      The Design of Simple Digital Storage Oscilloscope               


The oscilloscope is an electronic measuring instrument widely used.It can convert invisible things into visible image.It makes people easier to study various electrical phenomena.Oscilloscope can simply be pided into analog oscilloscope and digital oscilloscope, analog oscilloscope can no longer meet the needs of the people, so in this article I designed simple digital storage oscilloscope by the way of microcontroller.

First, the hardware part of the system take the MSC-51 microcontroller as the core chip,it concludes of the the peripheral circuit A/D module, the peripheral circuit D/A module,the hardware circuit storage control chip and the keyboard input module.It can use an external trigger circuit generates a trigger signal to the input signal,convert the anolog signal into digital signal by the A/D converter,and then lacth the dates into the external RAM.At last,send the datas to the D/A module output by the microcontroller.

Secondly,the software part of the system take KeiluVision4 as the simulation platform, writes system program with the AssemblyLanguage, including the main program, A/D converter program module, D/A converter program module, an external storage program module,and a keyboard program module. 

Finally,the Proteus simulation results show that the design of system is achived to the desired effect.

Keywords    Microcontroller  A/D module   D/A module   DSO              

1  引言 1

1.1  研究背景与意义 1

1.2  数字存储示波器的发展现状与前景 1

1.3  设计的任务及要求 2

2  数字存储示波器的总体设计 3

2.1  数字存储示波器的设计方案 3

2.2  数字存储示波器的总体设计框图 3

3  数字存储示波器的硬件设计 3

3.1  输入调理电路设计 3

3.2  硬件电路存储控制模块的设计 4

3.3  外围电路A/D模块设计 51单片机简易数字存储示波器的设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_71166.html
