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时间:2020-11-16 11:32来源:毕业论文






毕业论文关键词  通信网络  电力线通信 路由优化 遗传算法 蚁群算法


Title  Routing  Optimization  Technology  in  PLC  Network          

Abstract With the development of communication technology, power line communication (PLC) network gradually become areas which people consider of. While network routing in power line communication optimization technology research has become a hot issue in the field. After reviewing a lot of information, researching status at home and abroad, the following tasks is completed:

(1) design the route optimization program based on genetic algorithm and ant colony .

(2) Use VC++ to achieve network routing optimization based on genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm, getting the shortest distance and the optimal path.

(3) Through NS2 platform ,model and simulate the PLC network to achieve the optimal path optimization .

Depending on the different network parameters to carry out the optimization experiment, the results show that the use of genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm are both able to achieve route optimization and find the shortest path. Compare the two optimization algorithms, the result show that the genetic algorithm can be used to find a shorter path and achieve better route optimization performance.

Keywords  Communication net  Power-Line Communication  shortest path  genetic algorithm  ant colony optimization  

目  次

1 引言 1

1.1 问题定义 1

1.2 背景与意义 1

1.3 研究现状 2

1.4 论文组织结构 3

2 系统建模与总体设计 4

2.1设计目标 4

2.2系统建模 4

2.3 PLC路由设计方案的选择 7

2.4 NS2的仿真方法 9

3 PLC路由的算法实现与仿真 12

3.1 遗传算法设计与实现 12

3.2 蚁群算法设计与实现 17

3.3 NS2下最优路径图 22

3.4两种算法比较 23

结  论 24

致  谢 25

参考文献 26

1 引言

1.1 问题定义

电力线通信(Power-Line Communication ,PLC)全称是电力线载波通信,它传输信息的媒质是高压电力线(电压等级在电力载波领域一般可以达到35kV及以上)、中压电力线(电压大小是10kV)或低压配电线(电压大小是380/220V用户线)[1]。PLC网络可以传输数据包和语音信息。近年来,电力线通信技术,尤其是宽带电力线通信(broadband over power line,BPL)技术,已经成为通信领域新的研究热点。 PLC网络中路由的优化技术:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_64891.html
