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时间:2017-04-12 21:24来源:毕业论文

关键词  脉冲压缩  旁瓣抑制  雷达  数字信号处理  线性调频  二相编码7135
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title   Research on Pulse Compression Sidelobe Suppression   Technology       
Pulse compression is a widespread advanced modern radar application technology, a technology that bridges the radar range resolution and the average power contradiction, and is widely used in modern radar. In addition to pulse compression, sidelobe compression is another important aspect of this technology.
First, from pulse compression technology, the pulse compression technology  principle and characteristics are analyzed; for linear frequency modulation signal and binary phase-coded signals, the spectral characteristics, ambiguity function and pulse compression are analized. Next, the principle of amplitude weighting for linear frequency modulation signal sidelobe suppression is introduced, thus the Hamming weight methode is simulated and analized. Lastly, binary code sidelobe suppression methods are studied. For barker code, sidelobe suppression filter and mismatched filter bansed on linear programming and least squares are introduced, simulation results are presented. Meanwhile, sidelobe suppression filter design under constant gain loss is studied. For minimum sidelobe level codes, the mismatched filter design based on linear programming and least squares is studied, simulation results and analysis are presented.
Keywords  pulse compression  sidelobe suppression  radar digital signal process  linear frequency modulation  binary phase coded
 目   次  
1绪论    1
1.1课题的研究背景    1
1.2课题的研究状况    2
1.3论文的内容安排    3
2  脉冲压缩技术    4
2.1 脉冲压缩概述    4
2.2 线性调频信号    8
2.3 二相编码信号    12
3  线性调频压缩信号的旁瓣抑制    18
3.1  线性调频信号频域幅度加权处理    19
3.2  海明加权    20
4  二相编码信号旁瓣抑制    25
4.1  巴克码的旁瓣抑制    25
4.2  最小旁瓣电平码的旁瓣抑制    41
结论    46
致 谢    47
参考文献    48
 雷达[1]是集中了现代电子科学技术各种成就的高科技系统。众所周知,雷达已成功地应用于地面(含车载),航载,机载方面。近年来,雷达应用已经向外层空间发展,出现了空间基(卫星载,航天飞机载,宇宙飞船载)雷达。目前正在酝酿建立比地面预警雷达,机载预警雷达和超视预警雷达更优越的星载预警监视雷达。鉴于雷达在军事中所起的重要作用,各国纷纷投入大量的人力物力,借助现代电子科技的不断进步来发展自己的雷达技术,使雷达技术和理论得到了迅猛的发展,同时也促进了其民用领域的应用。 脉冲压缩旁瓣抑制技术研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_4931.html