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时间:2018-11-28 16:29来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:AT89C51单片机  MC14468芯片  nRF401芯片
Title:The smoke detection alarm system based on nRF401
At present, there are so many automatic smoke alarm system types , but most of them  belongs to the offline, ultimately depends on the manual operation, so it often caused heavy losses because of not timely alarm. So,We need a smoke alarm system worked by online directly. It will largely reduce property loss and casualties. This design focused on that question. We tried to slove the existing offline signal transmimmion mode problem fundamentally. So it can send the signal to the main control room or the fire department by the wireless transmissiontechnology directly to achieve the first time smoke detection and alarm.
This project mainly discussesd that we tried to use the MC164468 chip and RF transceiver Single chip to the smoke alarm.We chooesed the nRF401 chip which has the wireless communication technology and the modulation and demodulation technology.So the system’s performance was greatly improved,especially the alarm system was more real-time and reliability.
In order to introduce the smoke alarm system’s component,We will relate the chip’s theory and the application. And also to show the system’ code.  
Keywords: AT89C51 single chip; MC14468 chip; NRF401 chip  
目 次
1 绪论...2
1.1 课题背景..2
1.2 研究现状..3
1.3 全文各章节编排..3
2 系统设计要求及设计思路...4
2.1 系统设计要求与总体结构..5
2.2 MC14468芯片及介绍..5
2.21 MC14468的内部组成5
2.22 MC14468引脚排列及功能6
2.3 nRF401芯片及介绍.7
2.31 nRF401的内部组成...7
2.32 nRF401引脚图及功能定义...8
2.33 nRF401的重要时序参数...9
2.4 nRF401芯片使用中的注意事项.10
3 系统硬件原理图...12
   3.1 系统单片机模块..12
   3.2 检测发射与接收控制模块..12
4 系统软件开发流程及代码分析...16
4.1 系统软件流程..16
4.2 系统软件代码分析..20
  1 绪论
1.1 课题背景
由此可见,伴随着时间的推移和社会的发展,火灾在给人类社会和自然灾害带来的破坏在不断地扩大,这不仅会影响人类的物质财富的稳定的社会秩序,更会给人类的生命安全带来巨大危害。种种残酷的现实让人们开始意识到消防工作和监控预警的重要,拥有一个优秀的监控系统和报警机制可以大幅度减少人员与财产的损失,为社会的带来巨大贡献。 51单片机基于nRF401的烟雾检测报警系统设计+电路图+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_26604.html