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时间:2024-04-07 21:36来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:单片机,PM2。5 ,传感器 ,LCD显示 

Abstract:In recent years, the continued deterioration of the global environment quality, based on the design of environmental detection also began to emerge。 This paper mainly describes a design environment parameter detecting instrument based on MCU。 The MCU core, introduces MCU, dust sensor, temperature and humidity sensors, the characteristics and working principle of LCD liquid crystal display module。 In the hardware circuit design, using C language to complete the MCU programming, the realization of dust sensor, humidity sensor, control LCD liquid crystal display module, the final completion of the dust concentration, the function of real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity。 Also some specific It is very important to protect the environment and protect the air pollution, which is easy to occur in the manual welding。

Key words:microcomputer ,PM2。5 ,sensor,LCD display

目   录

1引言 4

1。1选题背景 4

1。2选题的意义和目的 4

2环境参数检测系统设计方案选择 5

2。1捕捉空气中可吸入颗粒的方法 5

2。2 温度的监测 6

2。3湿度的监测 7

2。4数据的显示 7

2。5 系统组成及工作原理 7

3 环境参数检测系统硬件设计 8

3。1 单片机的选型 8

3。2  STC12C5A60S2系列单片机简介 8

3。3 传感器及电路设计与选择 10

3。4显示电路器件的设计与选择 16

3。5电源部分的设计与选择 18

4环境参数检测系统程序设计 19

4。1主程序设计 19

4。2粉尘数据采集 20

5 调试 26

5。1系统的调试 27

5。2 具体调试 27

结论 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

附录1 电路原理图 31

附录2实物图 32

附录3 空气质量监测系统C语言程序清单 33


1。1选题背景来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 单片机的环境参数检测仪的设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_203217.html
