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时间:2018-07-21 15:54来源:毕业论文

关键词    跳频通信   跳频同步    Matlab/Simulink
Title     Simulation of frequence hopping communication   system based on MATLAB              
Currently, the military fighting the increased use of electronic communications technology, very intense electronic warfare occurred all the time. Under such severe conditions, in order to make war victory, to gain advantage, we must develop a strong enough anti-jamming communications systems. Frequency hopping communication has good resistance, and is also very excellent anti-fading, it became one of the military communications technology used. Frequency hopping communication, the most important thing is how quickly and accurately achieve hopping is synchronized, the system was able to carry out their normal work and communication transmission was able to continue to protect the lives and property of the State.
In this paper, a detailed analysis of the anti-jamming capability and its theoretical frequency hopping communication system, studied the difficulties and points hopping technology exists now. I also used the graduation project matlab and Simulink simulation model to simulate the FM system and careful analysis of the model, and achieved the desired results.
This paper theoretically analyzed the anti-jamming performance of frequency hopping communication system. It consists of a signal generating, sending, receiving part, a portion of the judgment and frequency hopping subsystem module. The paper uses MATLAB Simulink simulation system to realize the simulation and analysis of the frequency hopping system, to achieve the desired effect.
Keywords:  Spread spectrum    Frequency hopping    Matlab/Simulink
目  次
1   绪论    1
1.1  概述    1
1.2  跳频通信简介    1
1.3  MATLAB简介    3
2   跳频通信系统的基本原理    4
2.1  跳频通信的基本原理    4
2.2  跳频系统的信号分析    6
2.3  跳频通信系统的性能指标    7
2.4  跳频通信同步理论    8
3   跳频通信系统仿真及性能分析    14
3.1  Simulink 基础知识和设计开发原理简介    14
3.2  跳频通信系统的仿真框图    15
3.3  跳频通信系统仿真模型的建立    16
3.4  仿真模型中示波器的仿真结果显示    18
4   结论    20
致谢    21
1   绪论
1.1  概述
在我们生活的广阔的地域上,当人们使用短波通信的时候,我们都希望通信的话路能够畅通并且保密。但是电子对抗、信道拥塞等问题一直是很大的困扰。现实中,一些常规的短波电台会使用固定的频率来发射和接收信息,因而很难防止窃听、信道阻塞、人为干扰等等诸多的问题。调频技术,可以彻底解决这些烦恼。 基于MATLAB跳频通信系统仿真+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_20089.html