
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 电子通信 >


时间:2023-11-18 15:34来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In order to monitor the gas pipeline network in real time and effectively, this paper proposes to apply the IPV6 network to the automatic monitoring system of gas data, so as to realize the real-time monitoring of the gas monitoring field data。 This paper introduces the composition and working principle of IPV6 network technology and gas automatic monitoring system, and introduces the three aspects of information collection layer, information transmission layer and monitoring center of monitoring system, and introduces the data wireless of M-Bus, Socket, GPRS and so on Transmission technology and how to apply the wireless transmission technology to the three levels of the monitoring system。 It is very good to connect the three levels to realize the collection and control of the remote data and construct the gas monitoring system based on the IPV6 network technology。 Hardware platform and software platform to further improve the gas monitoring technology information, automation。

Kyeword:IPV6 network, M-Bus, Socket, GPRS, Gas data monitoring center


Abstract 2

目录 3

1 前言 4

1。1课题背景及研究意义 4

1。2IPV6简介和燃气监控简介 4

1。3研究的内容及论文结构 5

2 系统总体结构 6

2。1对系统总体设计 6

2。2对燃气表准确性高的要求 7

2。3数字直读式远传燃气表 7

3小区信息系统的设计 8

3。1小区信息采集系统组成 8

3。2集中器通信协议 10

3。3小区燃气信息采集的软件设计 17

4燃气数据监控平台设计 21

4。1燃气抄表监控中心设计 21

4。2燃气系统数据库的设计与实现 22

4。3通信服务程序设计与实现 25

4。4燃气系统web上位机设计与实现 28

4。5系统管理模块 31

总结 35

参考文献 36

致谢 37

1 IPV6集中通讯燃气数据监控平台设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_198723.html
