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时间:2018-07-08 15:45来源:毕业论文

关键词  带阻滤波器  超宽带  微带线  ADS
Title   L band ultra wideband bandstop filter           
In recent years,  with the rapid development of wireless communication,signal  processing technology has become more and more important due to the wireless communication quality to a large extent dependent on the signal processing. Filter has been vigorously developed as a key component of signal processing. Ultra wideband filter as a new filter with extremely wide bandwidth has broad prospects in the realization of high speed data transmission rate.
First of all, this paper introduces the application of the filter, the current development situation, basic knowledge and important index of the filter and simulation software ADS. in this paper, based on reading lots of related literature, the research focus on two kinds of novel ultra wide stopband filter. Through the theoretical analysis and Simulation of one of these structures, a simple ultra wide stopband filter with three transmission zeros was made by modifying one of them.By using ADS software to optimize the scture,a UWB filter which meet the design standards was got.
Keywords  Bandstop filter  Ultra wideband  Microstrip line  ADS
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题背景和意义    1
1.2超宽带滤波器国内外研究进展    1
2  带阻滤波器的设计基础    3
2.1  滤波器的分类及主要指标    3
2.2  滤波器的相关概念    3
2.3  低通原型滤波器模型    6
2.4  滤波器转换    8
2.5  微波滤波器的设计基础    11
2.6 小结    14
3  超宽带带阻滤波器的设计    15
3.1  滤波器设计指标    15
3.2  滤波器方案及原理分析    15
4  滤波器的仿真及优化    19
4.1  仿真软件ADS介绍    19
4.2  原理图仿真和优化    19
4.3版图仿真及优化    25
4.4  小结    29
结论    30
致谢    31
参考文献    32
1  绪论
1.1  课题背景和意义
二十一世纪伴随无线通讯的迅速崛起,微波通讯被大量使用,由此带动了微波通信系统迅猛发展。从人们日常生活中的调频广播到空间探索中宇宙飞船的通信导航无一不需要用到微波通信系统。伴随微波系统在人们生活中大量应用,各种频段的微波系统频繁出现。作为不可再生资源之一的频带资源越发紧张,各个通信系统之间的频带间隔越来越小,由此对频带的划分也显得分外重要。而具有选频作用的滤波器作为频带划分的重要部件也取得了巨大的进步。但是伴随大规模集成电路在无线通信中的使用,现代滤波器必须拥有与之匹配的新特性。即在拥有更好的性能以及抗干扰能力的基础上还应该拥有体积小、结构紧凑等特点以方便地进行集成和互联。 基于ADS的L波段超宽阻带带阻滤波器设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_19203.html