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时间:2018-04-19 21:18来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键字:毫米波 辐射计 辐射特性 油污污染
Title: Modeling and analysis of millimeter-wave radiation characteristics of the surface oil on water   
With the development of human society, the problem of water pollution, especially the petroleum pollution problems has become increasingly prominent. For traditional water pollution detection, there exist various kinds of shortcomings like high cost, cumbersome process, and low practicability.
As one kind of electromagnetic radiation, millimeter—wave (MMW) has a wavelength between infrared and microwave, sharing the common characteristics with the above two ranges as to form its special property. As a new method to monitor water pollution, detecting the radiation characteristics of water bodies by MMW radiometer to check the water pollution can overcome many shortcomings of traditional detection methods and own broad development prospect.
First, this paper described radiation characteristic of MMW and the principle of measurement. Second, it introduced the principle of measurement and calibration method of Dick radiometer. Finally, it built three-layer media millimeter wave radiation model using relative  knowledge of millimeter wave measuring technology and theory on electromagnetic fields. Based on the actual measurement data, a target brightness temperature inversion was detected in order to verify the feasibility of detecting petroleum pollution with millimeter wave radiation detection technology.
Key words: Millimeter Wave, Radiometer, Radiation Characteristics, Petroleum Pollution.
目   次

1 绪论    5
1.1 论文的课题背景    5
1.2 毫米波辐射特性的研究现状    6
1.3 水面油污污染问题    7
1.4 本文的主要任务    7
2 毫米波辐射计及辐射测量原理    9
2.1 毫米波辐射计    9
2.2 辐射测量原理    14
3 物体的辐射特性    21
3.1辐射方程    21
3.2辐射温度模式    21
3.3发射率和反射率的关系    22
3.4探测目标的对比度    22
4 水污染毫米波辐射理论分析与建模    24
4.1 三层介质建模方法介绍    24
4.2 等效传输线模型    26
4.3 油污水面的反射率及亮温    29
4.4 仿真结果及分析    31
结  论    36
致  谢    37
1 绪论
1.1 论文的课题背景
随着科技的飞速发展,环境污染等问题日渐严重。水体污染也逐渐成为了导致生态环境恶变的几大重要因素之一。近年来,水体污染的报告越来越多,其不利的影响也越来越引起人们的关注。针对此类污染,我们必须采用准确率高、效果显著、能够全天时全天候监控的方法才能第一时间发现污染并进行有效合理的整治。利用毫米波近感技术能对水面的油污分布进行良好的检测,可以更好对石油泄漏等问题进行研究,这在目前正逐渐为一个很热门的发展趋势。 水面油污的毫米波辐射特性建模与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_13653.html