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时间:2018-03-25 18:14来源:毕业论文

关键词:    数字信号处理;频谱分析;抽样;滤波器
Speech acquisition and analysis based on MatLAB programming
Abstract: Transmission of information through the voice of humanity's most important exchange of information is the most effective, the most commonly used and most convenient way. Along with the rapid development of computer and information technology, digital signal processing is used in many fields of speech processing such as radar, image processing, communication, biomedical engineering has been widely applied in.
There are several ways to capture the voice, the use of a specific way to get the desired speech signal. Involved in all aspects of speech signal analysis, including the adjustment of the amplitude and frequency of the speech signal, the sampling, frequency analysis, filtering filter design in various ways and voice signals, and other content. Course of theoretical knowledge and voice signals through digital signal processing program designed to prepare the corresponding analysis, the use of software to achieve MatLAB speech signal simulation.
Keywords:     digital signal processing; frequency analysis; analysis of sampling; filter
目 录
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目 录    iii
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题发展的时代背景和意义    1
1.2  课题的国内外发展趋势和研究现状    2
1.2.1  发展趋势    2
1.2.2  国内外研究现状    3
1.3  课题的研究内容和重点    4
1.3.1  课题的基本内容    4
1.3.2  课题的重点    4
2  语音采集和分析程序设计的基础理论    9
2.1  快速傅利叶变换    9
2.2  数字滤波器    11
2.3  短时能量和过零率    12
2.4  滤波器    13
2.4.1  高通滤波器    14
2.4.2  低通滤波器    14
2.5  语谱图    15
2.5.1  语谱图概述    15
2.5.2  语谱图产生原理    15
3  语音的采集    17
3.1  语音信号概述    17
3.2  语音信号的采集    19
3.3  语音信号的提取    20
3.4  语音信号的频谱图    23
3.5  语音信号的调整    25
3.5.1  频率调整    25
3.5.2  幅度调整    28
4  语音的分析设计    31
4.1  语音信号的傅利叶变换    31
4.1.1  加窗傅利叶变换倒谱图    32
4.1.2  加矩形窗倒谱图    34
4.1.3  加汉明窗倒谱图    36
4.2  语音信号的滤波    38
4.2.1  数字低通滤波器    38 MatLAB的语音采集和分析程序设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_11762.html