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时间:2022-06-03 22:58来源:毕业论文

摘要:私人教练职业出现在上海的健身市场只有十余年的时间,在这期间他作为 科学健身的导师慢慢被上海市闵行区民接受。随着人们对生活健康品质的要求越来越高,使私人教练行业迅速发展。



Abstract:Private coaching career in Shanghai fitness market is only more than ten years of time, during which he was a scientific fitness instructor slowly being accepted by the people of Minhang District, Shanghai。 Along with the people to the life health quality request more and more high, causes the personal trainer profession rapid development。

 The research status of professional skills of Shanghai MinhangDistrict personal coach in fitness club through the literature data method, questionnaire survey method, data statistics and other research methods of investigation and analysis。 The purpose is to clear the status of Shanghai Minhang District Private coach professional skills, and make a reasonable analysis of the current state of, designed to enhance the overall level of Shanghai private coach and in view of the professional skill training and promotion to provide some theoretical support, in order to realize the benign operation, Minhang District, Shanghai City, private career coach。 

Key words: fitness; personal trainer; professionalism

目   录

1前言 4

2 研究对象和方法 4

2。1 研究对象 4

2。2研究方法 4

2。2。1文献资料法 4

2。2。2问卷调查法 4

2。2。3数据统计法 5

3 结果与分析 5

3。1基础理论知识的情况统计与分析 5

3。1。1 上海市闵行区健身房私人教练的从业人群 6

3。1。2 上海市闵行区健身房私人教练职业资格。。。。。。。。。6

3。2上海市闵行区私人健身教练专业技能进修情况调查 7

3。3制定会员运动处方与饮食计划的能力 8

4结论 9

5建议 9

5。1培养上海市闵行区健身俱乐部专业对口的针对型人才 9

5。2完善上海市闵行区私人教练的薪资制度 9

5。3增加高校毕业生聘用及女性比例 9

5。4完善私人健身教练资格证书 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

附件1 13


私人健身教练早先是在经济发达的西方国家形成与发展起来的,而在中国,私人教练是从简单健身房工作逐渐演变而来的。在上海的健身市场中私人教练的发展已然成为一种热潮,但是还有很多方面都不太完善。随着经济的发展与人的消费观念的改变,近年来健身行业在上海市闵行区慢慢的发展了起来,私人健身教练行业也随之迅速发展起来。论文网 上海市闵行区私人健身教练专业技能的研究分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_94840.html
