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时间:2022-04-02 23:16来源:毕业论文



Investigation and Analysis on the current situation of high school basketball in Xiangcheng County

Abstract:Love, since the appearance of the basketball, after the hundred years of development, the United States NBA, CBA Professional League held a basketball game on the world basketball movement produced the profound influence in the school, basketball sport with its unique charm to attract students to contact。 By high school students' favorite, along with the social development, the basketball movement is more and more popular with teenagers, and has a good education and exercise the role of students' physical and mental development has a positive role。 So, at this stage of senior high school basketball teaching present situation appears very important。 The author through to the Henan Province Xiangcheng County high school basketball present Like field surveys, access and analysis。 In system understanding Xiangcheng County high school basketball teaching present situation foundation found in Xiangcheng County high school basketball teaching problems and shortcomings, and for solutions that deepening of Xiangcheng County high school basketball teaching reform provided a valuable experience。

Key words: basketball teaching; investigation and analysis; current situation of teaching

目  录

摘  要 4

引言 5

1。研究对象与方法 5

1。1 研究对象 5

1。2 研究方法 5

2。研究结果与分析 6

2。1襄城县高中篮球运动开展现状 6

   2。2制约襄城县高中篮球运动开展的因素分析 8

3。结论与建议 9

3。1结论 9

3。2建议 10

参考文献 10

附录 12

致    谢 13

襄城县高中篮球运动开展现状调查与分析 引言

学校体育是基础教育不可忽视的一部分,要适应现代教育的发展趋势,以培养适应21世纪要求的人才为目标,需要与时俱进。篮球运动是一项深受青少年喜爱并且具有很好的教育与锻炼价值的运动,对促进学生的身心发展有很好的作用。 篮球运动以其发展的渊源历史,逐渐显示出强大的运动魅力,从篮球运动进入中国以来,随着王治郅,姚明,易建联,孙悦等一批国内优秀篮球运动员进入NBA,以及CBA引进大批优秀的外籍运动员进入中职篮打球,以及今年周琦确定参加2016年NBA选秀,使得更多的人关注NBA,关注篮球。使篮球运动的热潮更加的热烈,影响着一批又一批的爱好篮球运动的人们,篮球运动有独特的活动形式和组织形式,更加形象地展示了篮球运动对身体素质与思维的影响,而通过篮球课的教学和训练,不仅可以使学生掌握篮球技术和技能,更能提高他们的竞争意识、团队精神,对整体提高学生的身体素质、运动技术、心理能力,对素质教育的开展有积极的作用。由于村、乡、城、市篮球教学差距较为显著,在教学方面,师资队伍方面差距也较为明显,还存在各种不足之处,因此对国家开展研究缺乏相关的理论材料与科学指导。文献综述 襄城县高中篮球运动开展现状调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_91876.html
