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时间:2024-05-04 09:38来源:95277







The Cleveland cavaliers versus the golden state warriors in the 2015-2016 NBA finals series

Abstract:At the end of the 2015-2016 season, the Cleveland Cavaliers won the championship. The Cleveland Cavaliers are one of the most recognized teams in the NBA. And the level of all teams in the NBA League has improved significantly. Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team to keep their strong position. The comparative analysis of offensive and defensive indicators, and then targeted improvement is a shortcut to enhance their own competitiveness. By means of image observation and data statistics, this paper compares and analyzes the offensive and defensive  indexes of Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors in the finals series of 2015-2016NBA season:

1. in the Cleveland Cavaliers Golden State Warriors, the Cavaliers scored twice as much outside the warriors as they did on the perimeter. So the two point goal is the biggest characteristic of the Cleveland cavaliers. To maintain such a hit rate can make the game winning greatly in the finals series. On the offensive rebounds and steals, the Cleveland Cavaliers teammates more aggressive, better able to suppress the Golden State Warriors play.

2. Cleveland Cavaliers - Golden State Warriors lost the game, the Golden State Warriors defensive, deliberately let the Cleveland Cavaliers to the ball outside the attack, and not to sell in the interior. Although the Cleveland Cavaliers had many chances on the outside line, they couldn't catch up with the warriors.

3. the Cleveland Cavaliers are faced with internal lines on the exterior line of the problem, can not be combined with the internal and external lines. Knight team, outside line coordination needs to be improved. In terms of physical fitness, the Golden State Warriors braves are not as good as the Cleveland cavaliers.

In this paper, through the analysis of the two teams to the statistical data, to study the Cleveland Cavaliers finally achieved the winning factors finals, in order to NBA the other team can have the training, and provide the reference and improve the level of the team. NBA总决赛骑士队与勇士队攻防能力对比研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_203647.html
