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时间:2023-12-09 21:33来源:毕业论文



Abstract:To understand the influencing factors of national fitness service system in Siyang County, and puts forward the reasonable, scientific and feasible countermeasures and suggestions This paper adopts the research methods of literature, questionnaire, expert interview and mathematical statistics, survey research and Analysis on the current situation and the national fitness service system in Siyang County, Siyang County, the national fitness, found existing fitness facilities can not meet the needs of residents physical fitness facilities; propaganda way of fitness is still single the means of publicity, the insufficient part of residents' awareness of fitness; fitness guidance activities lack of social sports instructors; mass consumption of sports fitness services by economic development limited, sports consumption level is low。 And the government plays a leading role, combined with the market participation,social organizations, volunteer service and other factors, at the same time make full use of the existing conditions, the integration of public sports resources, the formation of national fitness service system of public welfare of the whole organization。 To provide reference for promoting the development of national fitness service system。

Key  word: Siyang county,  township,  national fitness  service system,  development  model

1 前言 5

2 研究对象和研究方法 5

2。1 研究对象 5

2。2 研究方法 5

2。2。1 文献资料法 5

2。2。2 调查法 5

2。2。2。1问卷调查法 6

2。2。2。2专家访淡法 6

2。2。3 逻辑分析法 6

2。2。4 数理统计法 6

3 研究结果分析 6

3。1泗阳县全民健身活动现状 6

3。1。1参与人群的基本信息情况 6

3。1。2居民对全民健身的认识情况 7

3。1。3居民参与全民健身活动的情况 泗阳县全民健身服务体系现状及发展模式研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_199441.html
