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时间:2021-11-09 19:14来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词:滇东南  土壤侵蚀敏感性评价  GIS  DEM

Sensitivity Assessment of Soil Erosion in Southeast Yunnan Based on Spatial Data

Abstract Soil erosion will be the main form of soil degradation, which causes decline in land productivity, silts river, pollutes water environment and increases the likelihood of floods and other disasters。 In a result, importance has been attached to researches in soil erosion。 Southeast Yunnan, covering wide-distributed mountains and  slopes of cultivated areas, is one of the most ecologically fragile areas with serious soil erosion and rocky desertification。

Soil Erosion Sensitivity demonstrates the possibility of soil erosion。 Assessing soil erosion sensitivity is to know how sensitive soil is to human activities, to identify the areas sensitive to soil erosion。 That is of great significance to take appropriate measures to conserve water and soil, to develop guidelines on production and to protect the ecology。 Sensitivity assessment of soil erosion involves many factors。 GIS, a data geographic information database, performs functions of image acquisition, operation, mapping, analysis and display。 It is now widely used to evaluate various ecological issues。

Soil erosion factors include relief, precipitation, and soil texture vegetation type and so on。 The evaluation is based on the GIS platform, DEM data and raster data。 Factors are relief, vegetation type and soil texture。 According to "Standards of Soil Erosion Sensitivity", different relieves, different soil types, different vegetation types are pided into 5 sensitivity levels。 First, make assessment based on single factor, and then comprehensive evaluation, based on the three factors and different weights。 In comparison, single factor assessment has great limitations。 The comprehensive evaluation result shows that Southeast Yunnan is moderately sensitive and mid-sensitive to soil erosion。

Key words: Southeast Yunnan  Sensitivity assessment of soil erosion  GIS  DEM

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目  录 GIS空间数据的滇东南岩溶区土壤侵蚀敏感性评价:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_84547.html
