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时间:2020-12-04 17:21来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:数学课堂, 学习习惯, 自主学习

Abstract: Bacon once said: the great thinker habit is really a indomitable and large power, it can dominate people's life, as a result, people from childhood should be through education to cultivate a good habit, good mathematics classroom habits for primary school students in the future study life and into full play the effectiveness of classroom teaching, play a crucial role. During my internship in elementary school, I found that in the process of mathematics classroom teaching, students of class homework writing, classroom speech, classroom communication cooperation habit is very imperfect, these in the final analysis or because there is no form good mathematics classroom learning habit. In reaction to the phenomenon, the teacher should guide in time, help students form good learning habits.  Therefore this article mainly discusses the elementary school mathematics classroom students study habits in-depth analysis of existing problems, and put forward the corresponding solution strategies, hoping to have some reference for the future teaching work.

Keywords: Mathematics classroom, study habits, autonomous learning

1  绪论 4

1.1 本课题的研究内容 4

1.2 本课题的研究意义 4

1.3本课题的研究方法和步骤 4

2 小学数学课堂学生学习习惯存在的问题 5

2.1 小学生数学课堂注意力不集中,学习效率低下 5

2.2 小学生数学课堂作业格式不规范,作业质量不高 5

2.3 小学生数学课堂发言不完整,缺乏逻辑性 5

2.4 小学生数学课堂问题意识薄弱,缺乏自主性 6

2.5 小学生课堂学习形式化,缺乏数学合作精神 6

3 小学生数学课堂学习应养成的良好习惯 7

3.1 提高数学课堂学习效率,养成认真听课的习惯 7

3.2 巩固课堂新知,养成规范数学课堂作业的习惯 7

3.2.1 培养小学生自觉思考,独立完成作业的习惯 8

3.2.2 培养小学生先思后写的意识,保持作业的整洁 8

3.2.3 培养小学生自我检查作业的习惯 8

3.3 提升语言表达能力,培养良好的课堂发言习惯 8

3.4 发展小学生的问题意识,培养自主发现问题的习惯 9

3.4.1 建立和谐、宽松的师生关系,使小学生敢于提问题。 小学数学课堂学生自主学习习惯存在的问题:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_65718.html
