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时间:2020-12-04 16:38来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Mathematics ,as a basic subject of primary curriculum, is very abstract and logical. Elementary school students because of thinking ability is weak, simple lectures is a lack of interest, can lose learning motivation. Since the new standard put forward the idea of "let the student's", the university began to widely apply in the elementary school mathematics classroom. This article in the analysis of science concept and classification based on, to learn how to stimulate students' interest in learning, break through teaching difficulties and focus on to foster the students good cognitive structure, cooperation consciousness and innovation ability, linking theory with practice, learn with precautions in use are analyzed. By focusing on the physical and mental development of students, the promotion of learning with the effective application of the primary school mathematics in primary school, for the students' comprehensive development and follow-up study to lay a good foundation.

Keywords:School ,Primary school mathematics, Effective application


1  引言 4

2  学具的作用分析 4

2.1激发学生学习兴趣 4

2.2突破教学重难点 5

3 利用学具提高小学数学课堂质量 5

3.1培养学生良好的认知结构 5

3.2培养学生的合作意识 6

3.3培养学生创新能力 6

4 学具使用的注意事项 7

4.1选择恰当的学具 7

4.2选择恰当的时机 8

4.3恰当使用电子学具 9

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1  引言

课堂是学生接受素质教育的平台,是学生了解新时期下课程改革理念的窗口,使学生们可以领略课程改革之后的学习乐趣和趣。新课程标准中强调交往互动的教学方式,表明了使学生成为课堂教学参与者、研究者、管理者的重要性。《义务教育数学课程标准》也明确指出:有效的数学学习不能是传统的填鸭氏教学,单纯的依靠教师讲授和学生单纯地死记硬背、生搬硬套,而是要充分调动课堂气氛,使学生积极参加课堂讨论和小组交流,加强动手、动脑能力。特别是小学数学的教学,培养学生的动手能力更离不开数学学具的应用。学具是指教师教学过程中所使用的,旨在使讲述更加直观明了的模型、图标、实物道具等。学具又分为传统学具和电子学具;传统学具包括三角板、圆规等;电子学具主要包括投影、电视录像、计算机等多媒体系统。 学具在小学数学中的有效应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_65705.html
