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时间:2020-07-14 21:16来源:毕业论文


The Geometer' s Sketchpad becomes the most important tool in teaching reform.In the teaching reform ,the Geometer' s Sketchpad makes enormous influence, reflecting in two aspects. It not only changes the teaching structure into a new kind of ‘student-centered’ called ‘dominant—subject’ teaching structure, but also changes the way students learn,from the the original passive learning into an open self-learning. In addition, while using the Geometer' s Sketchpad in the middle school mathematics teaching, there are three design strategies. Firstly, it helpes students analyze the concepts. Secondly, it reveales the delicate relationship between the number and shape. Thirdly, it conducts variant teaching. However,when using the Geometer's Sketchpad,there are errors and shortcomings. The first one is the excessive use of Geometer's Sketchpad.Also,there are errors in the courseware aspect.The third one is the deviation of the concept of teaching. In short, the Geometer's Sketchpad plays an important role in the middle school mathematics teaching.Therefore,teachers should take advantage of this excellent computer software and overcome its shortcomings to teach mathematics better.


keywords: the Geometer's Sketchpad;middle school mathematics teaching ; teaching reform; dynamic


引言 4

1  几何画板简介 4

2  几何画板辅助数学教学的优势 4

2.2 形象性 5

2.3 操作简单 5

3  几何画板对中学数学教学的改变 5

3.1 几何画板改变教学结构,以学生为主体 5

3.2 几何画板改变学生学习方式,自主学习 6

4  几何画板辅助中学数学教学的设计的策略 7

4.1 运用几何画板帮助学生辨析概念 8

4.2 运用几何画板揭示微妙的数形关系 8

4.3 运用几何画板进行变式教学 9

5  几何画板在中学数学教学中的误区以及弊端 10

5.1 过度使用方面 10

5.2 课件制作方面 11

5.3 教学观念方面 11

参考文献 13

致谢 13


当今时代,信息技术正在迅猛发展,其触角已经快速延伸至人们生活的各各方面,经济、政治、宗教等等。我国提出科教兴国,可见教育在国家发展中占据重要地位。因此,信息技术对教育的影响也不例外,中学数学教学的信息化势在必行。 几何画板在中学数学教学中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_56248.html
