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时间:2020-04-12 14:35来源:毕业论文


Abstract The problem of inequality in middle school mathematics not only is a hot focus of study, but also is the senior high school entrance examination, students for the inequality is directly related to the senior high school entrance examination scores of the master, and have an important affect on the future occupation orientation. This paper takes the inequality problem type in 2004-2014 years of senior high school entrance examination mathematics in Hangzhou city of Zhejiang Province as the research object, and using the analysis, structure, mode and forecast method in the interpretation of Hangzhou City senior high school entrance examination in mathematics curriculum standards of compulsory education. Research on structure of this thesis will be helpful to the middle school students in Hangzhou City for a better understanding of inequality problem, and enhance the students interest in exploring the inequality problem, at the same time, it provides research material for the improvement of the quality education of middle school mathematics.

毕业论文关键词:中考; 不等式; 考查;数学生活化

Keyword: Senior high school entrance examination; inequality; test;Life oriented mathematics


第1章、绪论 4

1.1不等式在初中数学中的地位 4

1.2初中不等式的意义和作用 5

第2章、不等式的相关内容 5

2.1不等式的相关概念和性质 5

2.2一元一次不等式和一元一次不等式组 7

2.3不等式的其他相关内容 8

第3章、近十年杭州市中考数学中不等式题型分类 9

3.1不等关系的考查 9

3.2解集与数轴的结合 9

3.3不等式与函数结合 10

3.4求解一元一次不等式(组) 11

3.5不等式的基本性质 12

3.6定义域、值域的应用 13

第4章、不等式题型的构造方法 14

4.1贯彻合理运用数学方法的思想 14

4.2考查建立数学模型的能力 15

4.3落实“数学来源于生活,服务于生活” 15

第5章、杭州市中考数学题中不等式出现规律 16

5.1数轴是快速解题的基本工具 16

5.2与几何图形结合是主要手段 16

5.3分值的变动趋于稳定 17

5.4题目材料涉及当下热点 18

第6章、未来中考数学题中的不等式类型 18

6.1不等式的基本性质 浙江省中考题中的不等式题型构造研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_49841.html
