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时间:2020-04-06 18:26来源:毕业论文



This paper is dedicated to the application of probability and statistics in the insurance.

First of all, in this paper, the theory of probability and introduce the history of the development of the insurance industry, found that they are closely linked and mutual progress and innovation. In addition, this paper introduces the rise and development of China's insurance industry, which is the study of this topic in addition, the purpose of hope insurance in China can better development.

This article studies the method of the subject is mainly with practice case, and then the specific data to probability and statistics in the model, and analysis of the results of solving, explains the role of models in the insurance case. Model mentioned in the article are: the binomial distribution, full probability, law of large Numbers and central limit law, this a few models are subject to fall. In addition this paper referred to the law of large number is the main mathematical basis for insurance business. Reflect the importance of the theory of probability and statistics in the insurance industry.

毕业论文关键字:保险业; 概率统计;大数法则;随机变量

Keyword: The insurance industry. Probability and statistics. The central limit theorem; A random variable

目    录

1. 引言 4

2. 概率统计介绍 4

2.1. 概率统计的概述 4

3. 保险业概述 5

3.1. 世界保险业的发展历史 5

3.2. 中国保险业的现状及未来的发展趋势 6

4. 概率统计在保险中的应用 7

4.1. 概率统计与保险的关系 7

4.2. 二项分布与保险 8

4.2.1死亡人数问题 8

4.2.2保险公司的利润问题 9

4.2.3全概率与保险 10

4.3. 大数法则、中心极限定理与保险 11

5. 总结 15

6. 致谢 16

7. 参考文献 16

1. 引言

在生活和自然中,随机现象无处不在。概率论起源到17世纪飞快的发展,概率统计作为数学的一门重要分支渐渐被人熟知。概率统计最初是由赌博事件中发现的,在后来人们在保险中发现了大数。在大数的基础上,研究概率统计的学者们发现了极限定理之一的大数法则,渐渐的完善了我们熟知的一系列的定理。由此看来,保险和概率统计之间是互相联系的。保险业的兴起给人类带来了安定,使人们将个人的风险降到了最低。保险就是将分散的不确定因素集中起来,然后将其转化成确定性最后分摊损失。保险公司的任务就是起到了此作用:“人人为我,我为人人,是投保者和经营者都能互利的事情。那么在这里就有个问题,若在保险期间,投保者发生了意外人数过多,那么公司不就亏本了吗?在下文中,我将针对这个问题展开讨论。不过都说商家不做亏本生意,保险公司在确定新产品前要知道事件发生的概率的。保险经营的主要科学依据就是大数定理,在本文中我将介绍了大数法则是如何在保险这个大数中起到作用的。文中主要论述了三大内容: 概率统计在保险中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_49708.html
