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时间:2020-04-05 14:14来源:毕业论文


Function most value problem is very common type of questions in the middle school mathematics, it is generally associated with other types of topics such as some geometric problems, inequality and some other functions such as the problem of quadratic function. Of course, the function most value problem is often used in our daily life, such as the economic benefits of some common problems, on the basis of how to try to reduce the investment cost can make profit maximization or is in the process of a building, how to planning and design, can make the usage of the building blocks of the required minimum. These problems in daily life we can all through the function most value problem solutions to solve these problems. In addition, the function most value problem in difficulty generally upper middle school stage, usually in the form of some big questions. This paper introduces some commonly used functions middle school the most value problem solution such as change element method, geometric method, the discriminant method, etc., and should pay attention to some problems when using these methods and the function most value problem in the application of practical problems. 

毕业论文关键词:函数;二次函数 最大值; 最小值,

Keyword: function;quadratic function;maximum;minimum

目    录

摘    要 2

1、引言 4

2、初中函数最值问题的几种类型 5

2.1 判别式法 5

2.2 求隐二次函数得最大(小)值 6

2.3 求二次函数 在 的最值 6

2.4 求直线 在 上的最值 7

2.5 换元法 7

2.6 配方法 7

2.7 几何法 8

3、求解函数最值时应该注意的一些问题 9

3.1 注意定义域 9

3.2 注意值域 10

3.3 注意参变数的约束条件 10

3.4 注意对判别式的运用 11

4、函数最值在实际问题中的运用 11

5、总结 14

参考文献 15

致谢 15


函数是中学数学的主体内容,贯穿于整个中学阶段,而函数最值问题是函数的重要组成部分.处理函数最值的过程就是实现未知向已知、新问题向旧问题以及复杂问题向简单问题的转化,虽然解决问题的具体过程不尽相同,但就其思维方式来讲,通常是将待解决的问题通过一次又一次的转化,直至划归为一类很容易解决或已解决的问题,从而获得原问题的解答[1]. 关于中学函数最值问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_49598.html
