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时间:2020-03-25 21:24来源:毕业论文


Abstract The number and shape are the two basic concepts in mathematics, both independent of each other, but mutual penetration, while mathematics was largely based on the development of the two basic concepts. This article is to help strengthen the learning and understanding of mathematics thinking and further more to improve the students' ability to solve problems, connected with the idea of number shape union. It is effective to improve students' ability to solve problems that teachers pay attention to training the idea of number shape union of students. Therefore, the idea of number shape union is undoubtedly the more important one in middle school mathematics. In the article, some applications of the idea of number shape union is illustrated in function, inequality, triangle function, analytic geometry problems and other relevant aspects, and the author also explores the necessity of the idea of number shape union in middle school mathematics teaching and the penetration in middle school students’ problem solving thoughts.

毕业论文关键词:数形结合; 数学解题; 应用; 中学

Keyword: Number Shape Union; Solve Mathematics Problems; Application; Middle School

目    录

1 引言 4

1.1  数形结合思想概述 4

1.2  数形结合的历史演进 4

2 数形结合思想方法在教学中的作用 4

2.1  数形结合在中学数学教学中的体现 4

2.2  数形结合在中学数学教学中的作用 5

3 在过去的课堂教学中利用数形结合的思想解题的类型 5

3.1  以数助形 5

   3.1.1  利用坐标法解决几何问题 6

   3.1.2  利用三角法解决几何问题 6

   3.1.3  利用向量法解决几何问题 6

3.2  以形助数 7   

   3.2.1  数形结合思想在集合问题中的应用 7

   3.2.2  数形结合思想在函数问题中的应用 8

   3.2.3  数形结合思想在方程与不等式问题中的应用 10

   3.2.4  数形结合思想在三角函数问题中的应用 11

   3.2.5  数形结合思想在线性规划问题中的应用 12

   3.2.6  数形结合思想在数列问题中的应用 12

   3.2.7  数形结合思想在解析几何问题中的应用 13

   3.2.8  数形结合思想在立体几何问题中的应用 14
