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时间:2020-03-24 10:49来源:毕业论文


Over the years, in the domestic and International Mathematical Olympiad test, the problems related Number theory are becoming more and more popular, the international mathematical community  give enough attention to the elementary number theory in high school mathematics teaching content, and the theory of this aspect in our country is still a blank. Combining with domestic and international high school Olympiad questions to analyze the problem of number theory in the application of these subjects. In this paper, will tell the Number theory combined with the subject through a systematic analysis of the examples of solutions. So that we can get the method of those problems. We pay more attention to some difficulties and problem solving skills. Finally,we combine these methods and the knowledge system . Here we mainly use the knowledge of number theory with integer nature, indefinite equation and some important theorems in elementary number theory

毕业论文关键词:初等数论; 中学数学竞赛; 整除定理; 不定方程

 Keyword: The elementary number theory;Middle school mathematics competition;Division theorem; Indefinite equation

目    录

第一节 整数的p进位制及其应用 2

基础知识 2

典例分析 2

第二节 整数的性质及其应用(1) 4

基础知识 4

1.整除的概念及其性质 4

2.奇数、偶数有如下性质: 5

3.完全平方数及其性质 5

4.整数的尾数及其性质 5

5.质数与合数及其性质 6

典例分析 6

第三节 整数的性质及其应用(2) 8

基础知识 8

典例分析 9

第四节 同余 11

基础知识 11

三个数论函数 11

算术基本定理(素数唯一分解定理) 12

典例分析 15

第五节 初等数论中的几个重要定理 17

基础知识 17

典例分析 18

第六节 不定方程 19

基础知识 19

(一)二元一次不定方程(组) 20

(二)特殊的不定方程 20

典例分析 21

第一节 整数的p进位制及其应用

  近几年来,国内与国际竞赛中关于“整数的进位制”有较多的体现,比如处理数字问题、处理整除问题及处理数列问题等等。在本节,我们着重介绍进位制及其广泛的应用。 数论问题在中学数学竞赛中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_48837.html
