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时间:2020-01-16 19:50来源:毕业论文


Middle school mathematics is relative closely the number form stage of learning, understanding and mastering the number form combining ideas, ways and methods of the number form combining was applied to the process of mathematical problem solving is essential to learn skills. Middle school mathematics is relative closely the number form stage of learning, understanding and mastering the number form combining ideas, ways and methods of the number form combining was applied to the process of mathematical problem solving is essential to learn skills. Number in absolute value, function and graphics problem to get the most value to the more simple to solve such problems, and inequality in the problem solving, we usually can build a graphics or coordinate system, this method is not only simple and efficient, and better able to absorb and master. Number form combination as an important means of problem solving, need to master in the middle school mathematical problem solving and the flexible application, can play a decisive role.

毕业论文关键词: 数形结合;中学数学;高考;数形转换;

Keyword: Several form combining; Middle school mathematics; The university entrance exam;Number of conformal transformation

目    录

1.引言 3

2.数形结合思想在数学问题中的应用 6

2.1、数形结合解决最值问题 6

2.1.1、绝对值形式的最值 6

2.1.2、函数问题的最值 7

2.1.3图形问题的最值 7

2.2、数形结合解决不等式问题 8

2.2.1构造图形解决不等式 8

2.2.2、构造坐标系解决不等式 10

2.3、数形结合在高考中的体现。 11

2.3.1、形转数 11

2.3.2、数转形 12

3、总结 13


1.1 研究背景


数形结合思想诞生的基础可以追溯到伟大的数学家笛卡尔在数轴的基础上建立了平面直角坐标系。平面直角坐标系的建立把几何图形变化成坐标系中点的集合,他的成果主要集中在《几何学》中。《几何学》的诞生,能够将已知的几何图形通过有序数对的集合形式表示在平面直角坐标系中,利用平面直角坐标系的有关性质和定理,建立相关的代数算式,再利用代数的计算形式来解决图形的问题,这个过程充满了数与形的转化思想,因此,该著作的出现在数形结合思想发展史上有着举足轻重的作用。 数形结合在中学数学中的应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_45273.html
