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时间:2019-04-26 21:05来源:毕业论文

Financial content in primary mathematics textbooks
——case in Jiangsu textbooks
Abstract: FQ increasingly play an important role in twenty-first century, the concept of financial also deeply to our heart. So the content of financial in primary school textbooks caught our attention and reflection. In this paper, primary school mathematics textbooks for Jiangsu commonly used as an example, from four aspects to explore it. First is the importance of the implementation of financial education, second is the distribution of financial thinking inelementary mathematics textbook,third, analyze the problem of financial mathematics textbook content, fourth, propose the solutions of financial problems in textbook content.The study found that textbooks concerned about the financial education content, but still has problems. First, they do not pay enough attention to financial content. Second, theyare ignoring the culture of financial awareness. Third, financial literacy of showing is lacking of logic, while the content is not comprehensive. Fourth, the study also has the financial capacity limitations. Faced with the problems, we need to actively look for the corresponding strategies and strengthen research-based curriculum so that the current curriculum can be more rich and perfect.
Key words:the primary Teaching of Mathematics, manage money matters,financial education.
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
1.数学课程标准的要求    1
2.社会的需要    1
3.课程的需要    1
(二)研究目的及意义    2
1.研究的目的:    2
2.研究的意义:    2
(三)研究内容以及方法    2
1.研究内容    2
2.研究方法    2
(四)国内外研究现状    2
1.国外研究状况    2
2.国内研究现状    3
二、相关理论基础    4
(一)理论依据    4
1.新课程标准    4
2.杜威的“教育即生活”观点    4
3.皮亚杰的认知发展理论    5
(二)相关概念的界定    5
1.理财    5
2.理财教育    5
3.小学生理财教育    5
三、实施理财教育的重要意义    5
(一)社会发展方面    5
(二)家庭经济发展方面    6
(三)中小学身心发展需要    6
四、理财思想在小学数学教材中的分布情况    6
(一)苏教版教材中的有关理财内容选取的现状研究    6
(二)苏教版小学数学教科书中的理财内容的组织状况    8
(三)苏教版教科书中的理财内容的体系编排情况    8 小学数学教科书中的理财内容研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_32556.html