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时间:2018-11-02 21:23来源:毕业论文

Research on the ecological value of modular container roof garden
Abstract: Nowadays, building a roof garden can provide a creative and modern space for students and teachers, which can also increase the green coverage rate, improve the school environment and ecosystem. At the same time, and  the roof  garden  will also nurturing your spirituality and promoting school’s image.
This paper is about the material aspect of modular containers, observe the plants growth in different materials, the water storage capacity of the container and temperature control ability, and the modular container garden terrace at the same height equal orientation on the humidity and temperature in contrast. It is also measured the 16 kinds of roof container plant physiological and ecological indexes such as photosynthesis, and roof garden container storage capacity. It is concluded that the combination of roof garden containers and the temperature changes in the material, and the size of the container. Containers insulation sorting are: plastic flower pots > wooden basin > lime flowerpot > red china basin > green china pots in this paper.
Key words: modular container roof garden、ecological value、ecosystem、water storage capacity
目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 屋顶花园    1
1.1.1 屋顶花园综述    1
1.1.2 组合式屋顶花园特性    1
1.1.3 屋顶花园在城市绿化中的作用    2
1.1.5 在我国的发展前景:    4
1.2 组合式屋顶花园研究意义    5
2 材料与方法    7
2.1 研究材料    7
2.1.1 研究材料与处理    7
2.1.2 研究时间及地点    8
2.2 研究方法    8
2.2.1 组合式屋顶花园生态效益研究    8
2.2.2组和容器中植物生长状况评价标准与方法    9
2.2.3组和容器可吸收降雨量分析方法    9
3 结果与分析    9
3.1组合式屋顶花园的植物状态测量与评定    9
3.2组合式屋顶花园生态效益结果分析    9
3.2.1 绿化屋顶和非绿化屋顶微环境对比分析    10
3.2.2 不同组合容器间各数值分析    11
4 讨论     15
5 结论    16
致  谢    17
参考文献    18
1 绪论
1.1 屋顶花园
在不断城市化的今天,越来越多的森林被砍伐,取而代之的是钢筋水泥的都市丛林。这就导致了如今的各种自然灾害,土地沙漠化、全球气温升高、雾霾严重等等……人们开始关心我们所生活的这个地球的健康,而这些现象则在督促我们展开城市绿化的建设。如今,城市绿地、城市公园、街道绿地、道路绿地等都已成型;同时,立体绿化如绿篱、攀爬类植物也开始广泛应用。而作为建筑中最主要的功能部位——屋顶,则成为了绿化面积最主要的发展方向之一。 组合式屋顶花园生态效益研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_25383.html