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时间:2023-04-15 21:38来源:毕业论文


Equation is a very important content in the course of algebra in middle school。 Quadratic equation with one unknown is even more so。As a particularly important part of junior high school algebra , it form a connecting link in the study of all algebra。 It is not only to consolidate and deepen the learned knowledge,but also the basis for students to learn more complicated equations, functions and inequalities。 In this paper, we mainly discuss the solution and application of the quadratic equation with one unknown ,as well as the question types in middle school and the mathematical thoughts contained。


Keyword: quadratic equation with one unknown; Vieta theorem; quadratic function;quadratic inequality;mathematics thoughts

目    录

1 一元二次方程的历史背景 4

2 一元二次方程的解法 4

2。1 直接开平方法: 4

2。2 配方法: 5

2。2。1 一般步骤: 6

2。3 公式法: 7

2。3。1 证明: 7

2。3。2 一般求解过程: 8

2。4 因式分解法: 9

2。4。1 提取源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766 公因式法: 9

2。4。2 公式法: 10

2。5 十字相乘法: 11

3 一元二次方程根与系数的关系 13

3。1 韦达定理: 13

3。2 韦达定理的应用: 14

4 一元二次方程与二次函数以及二次不等式的关系 15

4。1 二次函数: 15

4。2 二次不等式: 16

4。3 拓展研究 17

4。3。1 拓展研究应用 18

4。3。2 韦达定理的应用 18

5 一元二次方程问题中所蕴含的数学思想 20

5。1 转化思想: 一元二次方程多角度分析:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_159977.html
