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时间:2022-12-04 15:13来源:毕业论文


本文借助1975年Motor Trend杂志上的一组油耗数据,通过回归分析和相关分析对影响油耗数据的不同因素进行分析,为加强燃油绩效管理,实现节能降耗提供了有益的可行性建议。通过油耗数据不同因素的对比,为个人车主购买合适的车型提供了理论依据。



Abstract With the economic and social progress, the car has become indispensable to modern life part, but an increase in the car, and also means an increase in carbon dioxide emissions and fuel use but also become large, China as the most populous country in terms of car sales ranking first in the world。 Cars have become our national economy and social life, an integral part of it to the scientific development of economy and society, the amount of fuel has become a problem we have concerns。

With the help of a set of data on fuel consumption Motor Trend magazine in 1975, different factors affecting fuel consumption data was analyzed by regression analysis and correlation analysis, in order to strengthen fuel performance management, to achieve energy saving provides a useful feasibility proposal。 By comparing the different factors of fuel consumption data for inpidual owners to buy the right model provides a theoretical basis。

By analyzing the following conclusions: objective factors determine fuel consumption mainly from vehicle itself, the engine characteristics, the curb weight and determines the external shape of the vehicle's fuel economy from a priority。

Keywords: principal component analysis, variance inflation factor, regression analysis


目 录

第一章  绪论 1

1。1课题的应用背景 1

1。2本文主要内容 1

1。3本文结构 1

第二章  回归分析一般知识与应用 2

2。1。回归分析的概念及起源 2

2。2回归分析模型 2

2。3多元回归模型的参数估计 3

2。3。1普通最小二乘估计 3

2。3。2。最大似然估计 4

2。4多元线性回归模型的统计检验 5

2。4。1。拟合优度检验 5

2。4。2。方程总体线性的显著性检验(F检验) 6

2。4。3变量的显著性检验(t检验) 7

2。5共线性判断 7

2。6主成分分析 10


2。6。2 主成分回归数学模型。。10


2。7 逐步回归。。。。11

第三章  相关分析的一般知识 汽车油耗数据的相关分析与回归分析:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_105638.html
