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时间:2022-08-28 19:05来源:毕业论文

摘要桑黄别名“桑耳”、“桑臣”、“胡孙眼”、“树眼”,桑黄是中国珍贵传统药用真菌 中的一种。桑黄在自然野生环境中的子实体营养成分比较稀少,而人工培育却又受到 的环境和技术的双重制约,再加上桑黄的供应量和需求要求逐渐增大,促进桑黄在人 工培养繁殖的研究项目上取得重大进步和成果。在这种硬件条件的支持下桑黄市场的 混乱问题日渐凸显,因为桑黄真菌本身与其他真菌的区分和划分不明显,没有经验的 人很难区分辨别,这个问题和现象追根到底是因为菌类物质的子实体在平时的区分和 鉴定上没有强有力的科学依据所以导致在鉴别上存在很大的瓶颈。83575

本实验为了探求快速鉴别桑黄的方法,利用扫描电镜观察法和 rDNA ITS 序列分 析法,以桑黄菌及其他真菌为实验材料,进行形态学及 ITS 区域鉴别。实验结果表明: 不同种桑黄不在 ITS 区域长度上与其他供试真菌有明显差异,桑黄菌种中 ITS 区域长 度在 750bp 左右,其他供试真菌均小于 750bp。可作为桑黄与供试菌进行快速区别开 来。扫描电镜结果表明,不同桑黄真菌不但和其它真菌在菌丝形态上有各自独特的特 点,而且桑黄之间在扫描电镜下菌丝也有很大独特性。桑黄菌种在电镜下观察表明, 菌丝体多为黄色,菌丝多分枝,直径 1。9~4。2μm,可见菌丝横隔,无锁状联合。与灵 芝菌相比,骨架菌丝管径较细、壁厚且光滑、不分支、担孢子近球形。而灵芝次生菌 丝薄壁、多分枝、常分隔。本论文中所用扫描电镜法鉴别桑黄与其他真菌较为费时且 程序复杂,而 ITS 序列扩增并电泳检测法可以较快的对桑黄同其他供试真菌区别开来。 使原来鉴别时间由一周缩短至 4 小时,可以作为快速鉴别桑黄的方法。83575

毕业论文关键词:桑黄;形态学鉴定; rDNA ITS 序列分析;同源性

Abstract The number of fruiting bodies of Phellinus igniarius in the natural wild environment is scarce because of the instability of wild natural environment and a variety of environmental constraints。 And the artificial cultivation is influenced by the double constraints of the environment and technique。 Coupled with Phellinus igniarius requires a gradual increase in supply and demand, especially China's surrounding countries, such as South Korea, Japan to China almost crazy to buy in natural resources。 China's existing Phellinus igniarius reserves become less and less。 The Use of laboratory culture method for Phellinus igniarius mould production, mycelium fermentation and cultivated cultivation base the determination of the formulation and provides an important basis guiding role, and it also lay a foundation for the further research of Phellinus igniarius fungi taxa other hidden resources。

This experiment in order to seek rapid identification method of Phellinus igniarius, using the scanning electron microscope observation and analysis of rDNA ITS sequence, fungus Phellinus fungus and other experimental materials, morphology and ITS regional differentiation。 Experimental results show that different kinds of Phellinus igniarius is not ITS length is significantly different from other fungi tested, ITS length in the strains of Phellinus igniarius around 750bp, other fungi tested 750bp。 Phellinus igniarius distinguished from tested bacteria quickly。 Scanning electron microscopy results showed that different Phellinus fungus not only in hyphal morphology and other fungi have their own unique characteristics, and Phellinus in hyphae under the  scanning electron microscope is also very unique。 Phellinus linteus strains under electron microscope observations showed that hyphae are yellowish, mycelia branched, 1。9~4。2 μm in diameter, mycelium diaphragm, non-clamp connection。 Compared with the Ganoderma lucidum, skeleton fine hyphal diameter, wall thickness and smooth, not branches, bear spores subglobose。 Ganoderma lucidum secondary hyphae thin-walled, much branched, often separated。 The paper used in the scanning electron microscopy identification of Phellinus igniarius  is  time  consuming  and  complicated  procedures  with  other  fungi  and      ITS 桑黄的快速鉴别扫描电镜观察法和rDNAITS序列分析法:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_98628.html
