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时间:2022-06-27 21:55来源:毕业论文



Optimum temperature and developmental duration of Rhizoglyphus robini on different hosts of edible fungus

Abstract:The Optimum temperature and developmental duration of Rhizoglyphus robini were investigated under 6 constant temperatures (15, 18, 22, 25, 28, 31℃) on 11 stains of 9 species。 The results showed that the optimum temperature of R。 robini was different from the hosts, in addition to the optimum temperature of 28℃ on the White stain of Flammulina velutipes, the optimum temperature of the remaining 10 hosts was generally stable at 28-31℃。 And the developmental duration of R。 robini also affected by the temperature, the developmental duration of R。 robini decreased from 27。06±1。92d to 9。45±1。83d, since the temperature rose from 15℃ to 31℃。 The developmental duration of R。 Robini also affected by the host。 At optimum temperature, the developmental duration of R。 robini on the Lentinula edodes was 9。45±1。83d, the developmental duration of R。 robini on the low temperature of Pleurotus geesteranus was 12。02±2。21d, that was the influence of the host on its growth。 The research showed that under 6 constant temperatures we can find that the high temperature of P。 geesteranus, L。 edodes and Agaricus bisporus were more suitable for growth and development, but the growth and development of R。 Robini were relatively slow on low temperature of P。 geesteranus, Pleurotus abalonus and Agrocybe cylindracea。

Key words: Rhizoglyphus robini Claparede; Edible fungi; Optimum temperature; Developmental duration


食用菌害螨属节肢动物门,蛛形纲,蜱螨目的一个类群。螨类个体微小,肉眼不易看清,无翅,无触角,身体分为颚体和躯体两部分,体上有刚毛,4 对足,可缓慢爬行。其中腐食酪螨(Tyrophagus putrescentiae )和粗脚粉螨(Acarus siro)[3-4]是食用菌生产中为害较重的螨类,直接影响食用菌的产量和品质。但通过近几年对食用菌害螨的调查发现,除腐食酪螨和粗脚粉螨以外,罗宾根螨(Rhizoglyphus robini)对食用菌的危害也日益严重,如果防治措施不当,也易造成爆发。论文网

目前国内外对螨虫生态学的研究较少,且研究的螨虫多为叶螨科的螨虫,对于粉螨科的螨虫研究更是少之又少。罗宾根螨作为双孢蘑菇和香菇等食用菌上的害螨之一,已经对食用菌的生产造成了一定的经济损失,加之其通常从栽培袋袋口或出菇(耳)孔处侵染袋(瓶)内,钻蛀到基质内取食为害,药剂喷施后无法杀灭基质内的螨虫,所以给螨虫的防治带来了很大的困难。我们通过研究罗宾根螨的生活史及生物特性,来为害螨的发生规律提供科学依据;找出害螨在生长发育阶段的薄弱时期,来为害螨的防治提供理论依据。 罗宾根螨在不同食用菌寄主上的最适温度及发育历期:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_95667.html
