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时间:2021-09-01 21:13来源:毕业论文
讨论不同浓度的TDZ和铁皮石斛的不同部位对原球茎诱导的影响。结果表明:茎段的原球茎诱导率更高,为30.77%,更适合作为外植体;最适合诱导原球茎的培养基为1/2MS + 0.5mg/L TDZ + 0.2mg/

摘   要铁皮石斛是一种十分珍稀的药用植物,具有独特的药用价值。由于铁皮石斛种子发芽率低,分株繁殖速度慢,影响了规模化生产的进程,加之试管苗的移栽成活率低,造成了石斛药源供需之间的紧张状态。本研究对影响铁皮石斛原球茎诱导效果的几种因素进行了研究。本实验以实验室培养的铁皮石斛无菌苗作为接种材料,截取5mm的带芽茎段以及花梗作为实验材料,对其进行原球茎诱导效果的研究。讨论不同浓度的TDZ和铁皮石斛的不同部位对原球茎诱导的影响。结果表明:茎段的原球茎诱导率更高,为30.77%,更适合作为外植体;最适合诱导原球茎的培养基为1/2MS + 0.5mg/L TDZ + 0.2mg/L NAA + 5g/L 活性炭。71617

毕业论文关键词:铁皮石斛; 原球茎; 植物激素; 组织培养


Abstract: Dendrobium officinale is a rarely medicinal plant with unique phamaceutical value. Due to the low germination rate of seads  as well as slow reproduction speed in Dendrobium officinale, the process of scale production have been influenced. At the same time, low survival rate of the tissue culture seedlings of Dendrobium candidum result in the tension state of the supply and demand of Dendrobium officinale. In this research, we do some experiments to find out which factors influence Dendrobium officinale induce effect. Using the sterile shoots of Dendrobium officinale as explants, the stem and pedicel as material, to do research in protocorm induction. The concentration of TDZ and different parts of explants are studied. The result showed that the protocorm induction is higher, the rate is 30.77%.Thus, protocorm is the suitable material as explant; 1/2MS + 0.5mg/L TDZ + 0.2mg/L NAA + 5g/L activated carbon was the suitable medium for the protocorm induction.

Key words: Dendrobium officinale; protocorm; plant hormones; tissue culture

目录 4

一、 前言 5

1.1 铁皮石斛的生物学特性及药理作用 5

1.2 原球茎培养 5

1.3 铁皮石斛的化学成分 6

1.3.1多糖 6

1.3.2生物碱 6

1.3.3氨基酸 7

1.4 铁皮石斛组织培养研究 7

1.5 研究目的 8

二、材料与方法 8

2.1选材 8

2.2试验方法 8

2.2.1无菌系的建立 8

2.2.2培养条件 9

2.2.3培养基的配置 9

2.3研究内容 9

2.3.1继代培养 9

2.3.2原球茎的诱导培养 9

2.4原球茎的增殖培养 11

三、结果与分析 11

3.1激素含量对原球茎诱导的效果影响 11

3.2不同部位对原球茎诱导的效果影响 12

四、讨论 13

4.1激素含量对原球茎诱导的效果影响 13

4.2不同部位对原球茎诱导的效果影响 13

4.3展望 14

参考文献 铁皮石斛原球茎诱导的研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_81283.html
