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时间:2021-04-15 21:27来源:毕业论文
与对照及其他处理相比,Treat 1(700W微波15s,1 mL/kg乙醇浸泡5min)能够显著的降低马铃薯切片的褐变指数、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性、绿变指数、叶绿素含量和失重率,有效地抑制了马铃薯

摘 要:褐变和绿变是马铃薯采后贮藏过程中存在的主要问题,微波和乙醇处理是安全、简便的果蔬保鲜技术。本试验研究了微波与乙醇组合处理对马铃薯在室温贮藏条件下褐变和绿变相关指标的影响情况,结果表明:与对照及其他处理相比,Treat 1(700W微波15s,1 mL/kg乙醇浸泡5min)能够显著的降低马铃薯切片的褐变指数、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性、绿变指数、叶绿素含量和失重率,有效地抑制了马铃薯褐变和绿变发生进程,延长了其货架期和商品性。 65728


Effect of Microwave Combined with Ethanol Treatments on Browning and Greening of Potato

Abstract: Browning and greening is the main problems on postharvest potato during storage, microwave and ethanol treatment is safe and convenient technology for fresh of fruits and vegetables. This experiment studied the combination of ethanol and microwave processing of potato under the condition of room temperature, then studied the change of the indicators related to browning and greening. The results showed that treat 1 (700W microwave 15s,1ml/kg ethanol immersion 5min) can significantly reduce potato slices of browning index, polyphenol oxidase (PPO), turn green index, chlorophyll content and weight loss rate, compared with the control and other treatments, thus effectively inhibiting the browning of potato and green change process, and prolonging the shelf life and the value of the goods.

Keywords: Potato, Ethanol, Microwave, Browning, Greening

目  录

前言 5

1 材料与方法 5

1.1 试验材料 5

1.2 试验设计与处理 6

1.3 检测指标与方法 6

1.3.1 马铃薯切片的褐变指数测定 6

1.3.2 多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性的测定 6

1.3.3马铃薯表皮绿变指数测定 6

1.3.4 马铃薯表皮叶绿素含量测定 6

1.3.5 马铃薯失重率测定 7

2 结果与分析 7

2.1 微波结合乙醇处理对马铃薯切片褐变指数的影响 7

2.2 微波结合乙醇处理对马铃薯PPO活性的影响 8

2.3 微波结合乙醇处理对马铃薯表皮绿变指数的影响 8

2.4 微波结合乙醇处理对马铃薯表皮叶绿素含量的影响 9

2.5 微波结合乙醇处理对马铃薯失重率的影响 9

3 讨论 10

结  论 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13



微波与乙醇是简便、安全的果蔬保鲜技术,但目前在马铃薯品质保鲜却鲜有报道。微波具有无化学残留,安全性高等优点。在食品加工和果蔬菜保鲜中可以抑制PPO酶活性和褐变,在石榴[3]、雷笋[4]、番茄[5]等保鲜上效果明显。近年来研究结果表明,适当的外源乙醇处理可抑制果蔬中乙烯产生和呼吸作用,延缓贮藏过程中果蔬的早熟腐烂、褐变、绿变和失重等,提高果蔬的贮存质量,在蒌蒿[6]、桃[7]、菊芋[8]、西兰花[9]等保鲜上都有所研究应用。论文网 微波结合乙醇处理对马铃薯褐变和绿变的影响:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_73439.html
