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时间:2019-08-18 17:27来源:毕业论文

Intestinal development of Suhuai pig and it’s correlation analysis with digestive rate of nutrients in the gut
Abstract:This test is about the apparent digestibility of Suhuai pig under the same fiber level and its correlation with the intestinal indicators included the small intestine length, the length of the large intestine, cecal circumference and colon circumference. Eighty two Suhuai piglets born in similar conditions were selected and pided into two groups randomly. Animals were raised in a settled environment. Two groups were slaughtered separately in 7 and 8 months of age. The apparent digestibility of CP (crude protein), EE (ether extract), CF (crude fibre) in colon segment were determined. The small intestine length, the length of the large intestine, cecal circumference and colon circumference were also tested. The results showed that there was no significant difference in intestinal signs between 7 and 8 months of age. The apparent digestibility of crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber of pigs in 8 months of age was significantly higher than that of those in 7 months of age. There was a significant positive correlation between the circumference of cecum and apparent digestibility of CF (P<0.05). The correlation coefficient is 0.279.
Key words: apparent nutrient digestibility; intestinal development; Suhuai pig
目  录

摘要    3
关键词    3
Abstract    3
Key words    3
引言    3
材料与方法    4
1.1  试验设计    4
1.2  试验动物饲养管理    4
1.3  屠宰试验    4
1.4  营养物质表观消化率的测定方法    4
1. 5  肠道指标的测定    6
1. 6  主要试剂与仪器    6
2 数据处理    6
3  结果与分析    6
3. 1  肠道指标分析    6
3. 2  表观消化率指标分析    7
3. 3  肠道指标与表观消化率相关性分析    7
4  讨论    7
致谢    8
参考文献:    8
引言 我国作为世界第一养猪大国,目前猪饲料主要原料为玉米、豆粕,而我国大豆主要依赖进口,受其他国家的影响很大。我国饲料资源逐渐匮乏,玉米、大豆等粮食作物进口量不断提高,“人畜争粮”矛盾日渐突出,寻找谷物饲料原料的替代品成为迫切解决的问题。近年来,人们对猪饲料研究的关注点也从蛋白质和能量饲料转移到来源丰富且价格低廉的粗饲料上。因此,研究我国地方猪种的耐粗饲性能促进中国地方猪节粮型粗饲技术的推广,可以改变饲料配方结构,开发利用一些暂时未被利用的廉价饲料,可以大幅度的降低饲养成本,也可以对植物秸秆进行利用,减少浪费和污染,缓减农业资源的供需矛盾。通过研究地方猪种的耐粗饲性有助于培育新品种,提高猪肉品质,使我国地方猪种在国际上具备更高的竞争力。 苏淮猪肠道发育及其与肠道中营养物质消化率的相关性分析:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_37880.html