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时间:2018-10-13 09:30来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着杂交油菜的广泛种植和大量新品种的不断涌现,种子纯度成为杂交油菜种子生产和质量管理中最突出的问题之一,为了充分发挥杂交种的优势和减少假种子造成的经济损失,所以加强种子的真实性和纯度鉴定显得尤为重要。本实验利用4个品种的油菜种子为试验材料,采用SDS-PAGE电泳方法获得油菜种子贮藏蛋白的电泳图谱,比较分析其多态性;同时研究种子蛋白SDS-PAGE技术鉴定油菜品种真实性和纯度的可行性。应用SDS-PAGE蛋白电泳技术可以对蛋白谱带具有特异性的杂交油菜进行真实性和纯度的鉴定,同时为品种的真实性和纯度鉴定提供理论基础。实验结果表明:贮藏蛋白的SDS-PAGE 谱带在不同杂交油菜品种间存在差异,四个品种总共具有24条谱带,19条具有多态性,有较强的多态性。尤其是谷蛋白在杂交油菜品种的鉴定中更具有代表性,利用这种多态性完成了杂交油菜真种子与假种子的区分与纯度大小的计算。29014
Application of protein electrophoresis technique in the authenticity and purity identification of hybrid rapeseed
Abstract: With the extensive planting of hybrid rape and the emergence of a large number of new varieties, the seed purity has become one of the most critical problems in production and quality management of hybrid rape seeds. In order to give full play to the advantages of hybrid seeds and reduce economic losses caused by false seed,it is particularly important to strengthen seed authenticity and purity identification .Experiment uses four varieties of rape seeds as experimental material by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of rape seed storage protein electrophoresis, comparative analysis of its polymorphism. Meanwhile, we study the feasibility of seed protein SDS-PAGE technology for rice variety identification of authenticity and purity. The SDS-PAGE protein electrophoresis technique can be used to identify the authenticity and purity of hybrid rape with specific protein bands, it can provide a theoretical basis for the authenticity and purity identification.The experimental results show that the storage protein bands which have strong polymorphism are different in different hybrid rapeseed cultivars by SDS-PAGE, there are totally 23 brands and 19 polymorphism in these four varieties. Especially the gluten is more representative in the identification of hybrid rapeseed varieties. The polymorphism identifies differentiation of true and false seeds and completes calculation of purity of hybrid rapeseed seed.
Key words: Protein electrophoresis;Hybrid rapeseed; SDS-PAGE; Authenticity;Purity
目  录

Key words1
1 材料与方法2
1.1 供试材料2
1.2 主要实验药品2
1.3 SD-PAGE电泳方法2
1.3.1 试剂配置方法2
1.3.2 蛋白质样品的提取和准备3
1.3.3 SDS-PAGE过程3
1.4 数据分析4
2 结果与分析4
2.1 杂交油菜种子贮藏蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳图谱分析4
2.2 杂交油菜品种真实性鉴定5
2.3 杂交油菜品种纯度鉴定5
2.4 品种间差异性检验6
3 讨论6
3.1 实验分析与总结6
3.2 SDS-PAGE技术在油菜杂种真实性与纯度鉴定上的作用6
3.3 种子鉴定技术发展前景7
附录A 各品种单粒磨样电泳图谱8
附录B 各品种混合电泳图谱9
图1 油菜各品种特征谱带电泳图4
图2 秦优198真种子与假种子带型比较5
图3 各品种纯度比较5
图4 混合样品品种间差异统计6
表1 SDS-PAGE试剂配方2
表2 供试品种SDS-PAGE蛋白条带的Rf值统计4
油菜是我国种植面积最大、地域分布最广的油料作物,主要分布于长江流域。油菜是植物油脂和植物蛋白的重要来源,而油菜籽作为植物食用油的主要来源之一也深受广大居民的欢迎和喜爱,我国菜油消费总量约占世界的1/4左右[1],是世界第一大菜油消费国。 应用蛋白质电泳技术检测杂交油菜种子的真实性和纯度:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_24090.html