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时间:2023-08-27 10:24来源:毕业论文


1。 蝉花多糖对金黄色葡萄球菌有较强的抑菌活性,能产生明显的抑菌作用。

2。 蝉花多糖对金黄色葡萄球菌最小的抑菌浓度为0。01mg/mL,对应抑菌率为14。15%,对金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌效果较好。

3。 蝉花多糖可以改变金黄色葡萄球菌的生长规律,也可改变金黄色葡萄球菌的菌体细胞形态,损伤细胞膜蛋白,引起菌体壁膜的通透性增大,使胞内电解质和胞质蛋白外渗,β-半乳糖苷酶活性显著增大,并影响菌体蛋白的表达,且抑菌作用随抑菌物质浓度增大而增强。

Abstract Polysaccharides are made of many monosaccharides polymerization of Natural polymer compounds。It is an important part of life organisms。 The antibacterial activity of Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide can be used to provide the theoretical basis for improving the antibacterial effect of cicada polysaccharides and the development of related antibacterial products。 In order to accurately understand its antimicrobial mechanism by extracellular protein concentration determination, β-galactosidase activity determination, conductivity determination, total bacterial analysis and membrane protein analysis can be known cicada polysaccharide on the cell wall and cell membrane stability 。And through the normal Staphylococcus aureus and Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide treated Staphylococcus aureus morphology observation can know the effect of Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide on cell morphology, this study has the following conclusions:

1st: Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide on Staphylococcus aureus has a strong antibacterial activity, can produce significant antibacterial effect。

2nd: The minimum inhibitory concentration of Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide against Staphylococcus aureus was 0。01mg / mL, and the corresponding inhibitory rate was 14。15%。 The antibacterial effect of Staphylococcus aureus was better。

3rd: Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide can change the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, but also can change the Staphylococcus aureus cell morphology, damage the cell membrane protein, causing the permeability of the bacterial wall membrane increased, so that intracellular electrolyte and cytoplasmic protein Exudate,β-galactosidase activity increased significantly, and affected the expression of bacterial protein, and antibacterial effect with the increase in antimicrobial substance concentration increased。


Keyword: Staphylococcus aureu; Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide; antibacter-

ial activity; antibacterial mechanism


1。绪论 3

1。1多糖简介 3

1。2蝉花多糖抑菌机理 3

1。3立题依据 3

2 蝉花多糖的提取与抑菌活性及抑菌机理研究 3

2。1 主要实验材料、仪器 、试剂及工作液 3

2。1。1实验材料 3

2。1。2实验仪器 3

2。1。3试剂和工作液 蝉花多糖对金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌机理的初步研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_195532.html
