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时间:2023-01-26 21:33来源:毕业论文
Rhodotorula sp.发酵生产类胡萝卜素及提取的研究。在单因素试验中,控制其它量不变,当葡萄糖浓度为3%时,红酵母生物量最大为16.23 g/L;当其他条件不变,摇床转速为150 r/min时,得到最佳


在单因素试验中,控制其它量不变,当葡萄糖浓度为3%时,红酵母生物量最大为16。23 g/L;当其他条件不变,摇床转速为150 r/min时,得到最佳生物量15。88 g/L;当培养基初始pH值为7。0时得到最大的细胞生物量为15。90 g/L;类胡萝卜素提取时间为90 min时,所得的细胞生物量达到最大值为16。12 g/L。在得到11组单因素试验的结果后,选取生物量较好的四组因素进行三水平试验,根据试验结果可知,当葡萄糖浓度为3%、摇床转速150 r/min、初始pH值为7且提取时间为90 min时细胞生物量达到最大值20。11 g/L。


Abstract Carotenoids are a class of natural pigments。 They are distributed in many kinds of higher plants and animals in nature and can not be synthesized in animals。 At present, there are three kinds of methods for the synthesis of carotenoids: chemical synthesis, plant extraction method and microorganism fermentation。 In this experiment, I use the method of microorganism fermentation and select the Rhodotorula sp。 for fermentation。 Rhodotorula sp。 is a unicellular eukaryotes, Their nutritional condition is simple and grow fast。 Production of carotenoids by microbial fermentation can also save costs, many domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research and made some progress at present。

In single factor experiment, when the glucose concentration was 3% under the same condition, the maximum biomass of rhodotorula sp。 was 16。23 g/L; When other conditions remain unchanged, the rotate speed is 150 r/min, the optimal biomass 15。88g/L; When the initial pH value of the culture medium was 7, the maximum cell biomass was 15。90g/L; When the extraction time was 90min, the cell biomass reached the maximum value 16。12  g/L。 I carried out eleven groups of single factor test and got the best conditions。 Four groups of factors were selected to carry out the three level experiment。 Then I did an orthogonal test and get the result, when the glucose concentration was 3%、shaking speed 150 r/min, pH is 7 and the extraction time was 90 min, cell biomass reached the maximum value 20。11 g/L; 

Keywords: carotenoid; Rhodotorula sp。; fermentation; organic solvent extraction

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 前言 1

1。2 类胡萝卜素及其来源 1

1。3 红酵母简介 2

1。4 类胡萝卜素的功能 3

1。4。1 对视觉系统的保健 3

1。4。2 在食品中的应用 3

1。4。3 对皮肤组织的保健 3

1。4。4 类胡萝卜素在饲料中的应用 4

1。4。5 类胡萝卜素的抗癌功能 5

1。5 类胡萝卜素生物合成途径 5

1。6 国内外研究现状 8

1。7 讨论 9
