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时间:2023-01-17 21:10来源:毕业论文
Rhodotorula sp.发酵生产类胡萝卜素的动力学研究。以葡萄糖为原料,用红酵母菌(Rhodotorula sp.)进行发酵并研究其发酵动力学。通过对每12 h的红酵母菌生物量、葡萄糖消耗浓度以及类胡萝卜

摘  要类胡萝卜是一种具有多种保健功能、对人体十分有益的偏黄色、橙红色的复杂化合物素,它在一些比较常见的菌种、植物中都大量的存在。当使用红酵母来生产类胡萝卜素的时候有很多明显的长处,比如发酵过程的整体时间不长,整个发酵流程控制起来也比较容易,这为工业化生产菌体提供了便利。随着日前人们对食品安全问题越来越重视以及对优良品质、天然无公害的食品的需求日益提高,微生物发酵生产类胡萝卜素的前景也变得越来越好。87114

本文以葡萄糖为原料,用红酵母菌(Rhodotorula sp。)进行发酵并研究其发酵动力学。通过对每12 h的红酵母菌生物量、葡萄糖消耗浓度以及类胡萝卜素的产量得出,经过大约12 h的延缓期后,类胡萝卜素的产量与红酵母细胞的生物量一起快速增加,生物量的最大值为16。35 g/L。产物的合成与酵母菌的生长是相关的过程,在t为60 h左右达到最大值4。21 mg/L,36 h以后,菌体的发育速度开始变得越来越慢,大约两天之后菌体进入一个稳定时间。而同一时间伴随着红酵母细胞生物量的快速提高,葡萄糖的底物浓度也很快速的降低,48 h之后,总糖的浓度变得接近于0。



Abstract Carotenoid is a kind of many kinds of compounds with important physiological functions, such as yellow, orange red or red, it is widely found in bacteria, algae, fungi and plants。 The use of red yeast production of carotenoids has advantages of shorter period of fermentation, fermentation control easy, suitable for industrial production was non-toxi, advantages and rich in protein and vitamins, and the whole cell as containing carotene single cell protein, used as a feed additive or aquaculture materials bait can use bagasse, waste molasses, whey, seawater and were cultured, the cost is low。 Under the background of the food safety problem is more severe and people demand for high-quality health products, natural and harmless sharp increase, microbial production of carotenoids has broad prospects。

In this paper, glucose as raw material, with Rhodotorula sp。 were used to study the fermentation and fermentation kinetics。 By measuring the amount of red yeast, biological yield, per 12 h glucose carotenoid consumption concentration that after the lag phase of 12 h, biomass and carotenoid yield increased,the maximum biomass was 16。35 g/L。 Synthesis and growth of yeast products is related to the process in t is about 60 h reaches the maximum value of 4。21 mg/L and 36 h, the cell growth rate began to slow down, 48 h was in the stable stage with the rapid increase of biomass, total sugar(glucose meter) concentration decreased rapidly; after 48h, the total sugar began to zero。

The experimental data were constructed for cell growth and carotenoid production and substrate consumption kinetics model。 Cell growth kinetics model : ; Product formation kinetics model :Cp=; Substrate kinetic model: 。 The mathematical model and the experimental values derived are in good agreement。 The basic kinetic model can be used to describe the fermentation process of carotenoid, fermentation control for carotenoid production and provide a theoretical basis for further amplification。

Key words:Rhodotorula sp。;carotenoid;kinetics;fermentation Rhodotorulasp.发酵生产类胡萝卜素的动力学研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_124644.html
