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时间:2023-11-14 22:36来源:毕业论文



Abstract : Earnings management of listed companies has always been a hot issue of social concern。 In the behavior of earnings management, listed companies usually use the considerable space of accounting policy to change accounting information。 In a large extent, it reduces the authenticity and reliability of accounting earnings, so that earnings information can not reflect the true situation of the company objectively and fairly。Firstly, this paper expounds the concept, characteristics and motivation of earnings management。 Then taking black peony (Group) Limited by Share Ltd as an example, this paper analyzes the asset reorganization, related party transactions, the proportion of rationed shares, government subsidies and so on。 So as to summarize the methods of earnings management。 Finally, according to the characteristics of the enterprise, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for the earnings management of the state-owned holding enterprises。

Keywords:listed company,earnings management,black peony

1 引言 3

2 盈余管理概述 3

2。1 盈余管理的概念 3

2。2 盈余管理的特点 4

2。3 盈余管理的动机 4

3 黑牡丹(集团)股份有限公司盈余管理的分析 5

3。1 资产重组 5

3。2 关联交易 6

3。3 主要股东配股比例 7

3。4 政府补贴收入 8

4 黑牡丹盈余管理的应对措施 9

4。1 完善企业信息披露 9

4。2 增强投资者财务知识并提高注会审计质量 10

4。3 证券监管部门加强市场透明度及惩罚力度 10

4。4 政府严控企业扶持力度 10

4。5 加强会计准则建设 10

结论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14


众所周知,企业盈余管理是影响企业对外财务报告的重要组成部分。会计盈余信息不仅影响到股份公司能否上市、配股,而且已经成为企业上市后影响股价的重要因素,毫无疑问是众多投资者进行决策时能够获得的重要依据之一,它的真实性与否对许多不懂财务知识的社会人士的决策及其后果起到直接性的决定作用。目前,我国证券市场尚属初步发展阶段,如何正面而有效地进行盈余管理也是国内比较关心的话题。随着个人自我意识的加强, 黑牡丹盈余管理分析及应对措施:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_198604.html
