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时间:2023-11-12 20:58来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the gradually popularization of network technology, the global economic integration, people has higher requirement for quality of life, consumption and changing all the time。 Our country electronic commerce arises at the historic moment under this time background。 But because B2C e-commerce enterprises has just started, the business model is still not mature, lead to many enterprises will not be able to long-term profitability。 This paper analyzes the composition factors of B2C e-commerce enterprise profit model。 And at the current brand in our country is one of the influential B2C e-commerce enterprise dangdang network as an example, through the study of the formation of dangdang network profit model elements and dangdang network in terms of profitability, operation, by now, debt paying ability, in-depth analysis of the current situation of its earnings。 At the same time, found dangdang network in the mode of operation and profit model still has some problems, and puts forward some rationalization in view of the problems in the improvement measures。 For other B2C electrical  business enterprise's development has played a certain reference function。

Keywords: B2C e-commerce enterprise, profit model, dangdang


1 引言 4

1。1 研究背景 4

1。2 研究意义 4

1。3 文献综述 4

2 B2C电子商务盈利模式理论源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 概述 5

2。1 B2C电子商务的概念 5

2。2 B2C电子商务盈利模式的构成要素 5

2。3 B2C电子商务企业的盈利模式 6

3 当当网的盈利模式分析 7

3。1 当当网的简介 7

3。2 对当当网盈利模式的要素分析 7

3。3 对当当网盈利模式的财务分析 8

4 当当网盈利模式存在的问题 11

4。1 业务销售进入瓶颈期 11

4。2 综合B2C转型效果不佳 我国B2C电子商务企业盈利模式研究以当当网为例:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_198544.html
