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时间:2023-10-18 22:20来源:毕业论文

摘 要:尽管北上广深等一二线城市的地铁、出租车、汽车等公共交通系统愈加发达,然 而人们出行仍然面对着诸如“从家步行到地铁站需要 10-15 分钟”或“地铁站距离公司有

1-3 公里的路程”的问题。智能共享单车主要是为了解决人们的短途出行问题。本文通过 深入研究以共享经济为基础的摩拜单车的盈利模式,归纳分析并推测共享单车可持续获利 的模式以及实现方法。本文首先对盈利模式的起源、共享经济以及单车经济加以综述。随 后对摩拜盈利模式的背景、盈利的可行性进行了分析,找出摩拜在盈利模式上的优势和劣 势,给出了对行业发展的启示。最后得出结论,以及对摩拜盈利模式前景展望。85824


Abstract: In Shanghai and other first-tier cities, public transport system such as subway and bus are increasingly developed, but “walking from home to the subway station needs 10-15 minutes” or “the distance between the metro station and companies is 1-3 km” problem still exists。 As a sharing intelligent bike positioned in short-distance trip, Mobike aims to provide an effective solution to the “last few kilometers” problem。 By analyzing the profit model of intelligent bike based on sharing economy, this paper try to analyze the model,path and detailed method of sustained profitability。 Firstly,this paper summarizes the definition of profit model ,sharing economy and third party payment。 Secondly, the author analyzes the background of Mobike and the feasibility of the profitability model,and gives the inspiration to the development of the industry。 Finally,this paper makes the conclusion and looks for the better prospect of the profitability model。

Keyword: profit model, Mobike,sharing economy, third party payment

1 引言 4

1。1 研究背景及意义 4

1。2 相关文献综述 4

2 相关概念和理论基础 5

2。1 盈利模式 5

2。2 共享经济 5

2。3 第三方支付 6

3 摩拜单车盈利模式分析 6

3。1 摩拜单车背景介绍 6

3。2 单车经济盈利的可行性分析 6

4 摩拜单车盈利模式的利弊 9

4。1 摩拜单车盈利模式的优势 9

4。2 摩拜单车盈利模式的劣势 10

4。3 摩拜单车现行盈利模式存在问题的解决措施 10

5 摩拜单车的盈利模式对同类企业发展的启示 11


参 考 文 献 13 摩拜单车盈利模式分析问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_197534.html
