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时间:2022-07-17 20:36来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  3D打印  FDM成型工艺  电路打印  3D打印机控制


Title    Desktop 3D printing equipment modification - printed circuit                     


Abstract 3D printing technology is a kind of rapid prototyping technology, it is a kind of technique based on the digital model file , using powdered metal or filamentous plastic or solidification liquid material which can be bonded layer by layer printing mode to construct objects。 Currently, the 3D print platform with a combination of the mechanical structure and the conductive lines has been developed。 The using of 3D printing technology of manufacturing circuit structure is the basic technology of satellite integrated printing, but also the future development direction of a lot of electronic products’s making。 This topic through the FDM desktop 3D printer installation, to understand the working principle of the 3D printer。 Learning the method of control the printer, and on its basis to transform the printer control section。 Achieved by single nozzle into a double nozzle print control objectives, to achieve the integration of insulating materials and printed circuit materials。

Keywords  3D printing  FDM molding process  Printed circuit   3D printer control

目   次

1  引言 2

1。1  选题背景及选题意义 2

1。1。1  选题背景 2

1。1。2  选题意义 2

1。2  国内外的发展现状 2

1。2。1  国外发展现状 2

1。2。2 国内发展状况 3

1。3  本课题研究内容与方法 3

1。3。1  研究内容 3

1。3。2  研究方法 3

2  电路打印方案设计 5

2。1  成型方式 5

2。2  打印材料选择 6

2。2。1  支撑绝缘材料 6

2。2。2  导电材料 6

2。3   挤出方案设计 7

2。4   导电材料喷头设计 9

3  桌面3D打印机的控制 12

3。1  3D打印快速成型系统 12
