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时间:2022-07-06 22:20来源:毕业论文
基于java web开发,使用SSM(Spring+Spring MVC+MyBatis)框架,Mysql数据库以及Navicat数据库管理工具进行项目开发。本人主要负责系统管理这一部分,即后台管理


课题围绕项目外包管理系统而展开,基于java web开发,使用SSM(Spring+Spring MVC+MyBatis)框架,Mysql数据库以及Navicat数据库管理工具进行项目开发。本人主要负责系统管理这一部分,即后台管理,后台管理包括了审核项目,用户管理,服务领域管理和数据库备份恢复,还有各个不同项目的查看。最后经过测试该项目能正常运转。81981

毕业论文关键词:外包;管理系统;java web开发;后台管理

Project system management- Design and realization of management system

Abstract:In recent years, outsourcing trends show a rising trend in the country, many companies choose to outsource the subset of your project to fill technical vacancies, along with growth in the number of software developers, and many software developers are also rising。 However, it is because the emergence of outsourcing need a platform to manage, Publisher and the receiver can be closely linked together, thus representative channels looking for outsourcing and outsourcing projects accepted people looking for channels, making outsourcing a more simple and faster, fully improve the efficiency。 Issues around outsourcing project management system, based on Java Web development using SSM (Spring+Spring MVC+MyBatis), and Navicat Mysql database database management tool for project development。 Part I is primarily responsible for systems management, management, management audit project was included in the background, user management, service management and database backup and recovery, there are various project view。 Finally after test works properly。

Keywords: Outsourcing; management system; Java Web Development; Background manage


1绪论 4

1。1研究背景 4

1。2目的和意义 4

1。3课题基本内容 5

1。4论文结构 6

2系统分析 7

2。1需求分析 7

2。2项目相关技术 8

2。2。1硬件 8

2。2。2软件 8

2。2。3开发技术 8

2。3系统管理分析 9

2。4本章小结 9

3系统设计 10

3。1界面设计 10

3。2系统概要流程 13

3。3系统管理设计 15

3。3。1数据库备份/恢复 15

3。3。2过滤器 16

3。3。3 Quartz 18

3。4数据库设计 19

3。5本章小结 21

4系统测试 22

4。1代码编写 22

4。1。1服务领域 jsp项目管理系统设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_96056.html
