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时间:2022-06-27 22:10来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: SSH;B/S;考试预约系统;J2EE;数据库 

Exam bespeak system-training plan module’s design and implement

Abstract:With the rapid development of the Internet, various industries begin to development toward modernization and informatization。 The online exam bespeak system, as the most popular online system, is suitable for enterprises, schools and inpiduals to use, through the Internet, only use a web browser can achieve online exam bespeak, learning, examination and practice functions, so not only students can use the system, usually working adults can also to visit the system anytime, anywhere when free。 

    The online exam bespeak system has the advantages of high convenience, good scalability and strong accuracy, and saves a lot of manpower and material resources, so that managers can easily manage the system。 This topic uses the very popular lightweight framework SSH (Spring + SpringMVC + Hibernate),Mysql database and other technology。 The system is pided into examination management, course management, homework management and other functions, the following papers discuss on the system design and development。

Keywords: SSH; B/S; exam bespeak system; J2EE; database


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

1 绪论 1

1。1 课题的研究背景及意义 1

1。1。1 课题的研究背景 1

1。1。2 课题的研究意义 1

1。2 考试预约系统的国内外研究情况与发展趋势 2

1。2。1 国内外研究情况 2

1。2。2 发展趋势 2

1。3 课题目的和所要达到的要求 3

1。3。1 课题目的 3

1。3。2 课题所要达到的要求 3

1。4 论文的主要内容及结构安排 3

2 系统分析 5

2。1 问题分析 5

2。1。1 php+mysql考试预约系统培训计划模块的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_95674.html
