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时间:2022-06-05 15:46来源:毕业论文

摘要采购申请在一个企业中非常重要,但是很多企业在这方面存在一些 问题,比如采购模式落后、未充分利用移动互联网等。本课题研究的目 标是建立高效的移动端采购云平台,实现采购申请过程网络化、信息化, 与传统采购申请方式实现互补,提高采购申请的效率。81361

系统总体上采用 C/S 的架构,前端使用 JetBrains WebStorm 开发 工具,采用 HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 作为前端主要开发语言,并采用 Ionic 框架提高前端开发效率。后台使用 MyEclipse 作为开发环境,基于 Struts 框架,采用 Java EE 技术,服务器采用 Tomcat,使用 JDBC 连接 数据库 MySQL。本系统主要实现:采购申请者通过移动端可以建立项 目,填写需采购的物品信息,并向负责人发出采购申请。公司相关负责 人可以实时查看并管理采购申请,并对不合理或不清晰地方提出质询及 建议。上述双方都可通过手机获取采购申请处理进程。本系统安全高效, 能够高效率地实现采购申请的目的。


Abstract Purchase Requisition in an enterprise is very important, but in many companies, there are some problems in this regard, for example, purchasing patterns behind,not make full use of the mobile Internet and so on。 The objective of this research is how to establish a highly efficient mobile end procurement cloud platform, to achieve the procurement application process networked, informatization, and do something with purchase requisitions traditional ways complementary, finally, improve the efficiency of purchase requisition。

The system is based on the C/S architecture as a whole。  The front-end uses JetBrains WebStorm development tool, chooses HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript as the main front-end development language and utilizes Ionic front-end development framework to improve efficiency。 The back-end use MyEclipse as a development environment, based on Struts framework, using Java EE technology, and the server uses Tomcat, connected to the MySQL database with JDBC。 The system mainly realizes: Purchase Requisition through mobile terminals can establish projects, fill in the information of required purchase goods, and send purchase requisition to the principal。 The director can view and manage purchase requisitions in real-time, and ask questions and recommendations on unreasonable or unclear place。 The above two sides can achieve the treatment processing of purchase requisition by mobile phone。 The system is safe and efficient, enab le to achieve purpose of improving  the purchase requisition   effectiveness。

Keywords:Purchase Requisition;Mobile Internet;Cross-platform; Cloud Platform

第一章 绪论 1

1。1  研究背景及意义 1

1。2  国内外研究现状 1

1。3  本文工作与组织结构 2

第二章 相关技术介绍 4

2。1  前端相关工具与技术 4

2。1。1JetBrains WebStorm 4

2。1。2HTML5 4

2。1。3CSS3 5

2。1。4JavaScript 5

2。1。5Ionic 框架 5

2。2  后台相关工具与技术 6

2。2。1MyEclipse 6

2。2。2Java EE HTML5上汽集团采购云平台移动子系统设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_95046.html
