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时间:2022-05-21 19:57来源:毕业论文
物业管理系统的设计与开发可以提高物业管理效率,节省物业管理成本,提高物业管理水 平和服务质量,协调物业管理员

摘要当今社会,我国经济水平迅速提高,城市快速发展,城市现代化小区的数量呈爆 发式增长,传统的小区物业人工管理方式效率低下,服务质量差,已经不能适应现代 小区的物业管理,借助计算机设计的住宅小区的管理系统软件应运而生。该系统具有 信息化、智能化,能有效提高物业管理效率,提高服务质量,方便业主生活。

本文根据软件工程思想和物业管理原则,设计并开发此基于 B/S 架构的小区物业 管理系统。主要内容包括:80850


2。对开发物业管理系统相关技术进行介绍,本系统采用 B/S 架构技术,主要编程 语言为 PHP 语言,服务器使用 Apache,数据库采用 MySQL 关系型数据库支持。

3。对物业管理系统进行需求分析和可行性研究,主要进行功能性需求分析和非功 能性需求分析,经济可行性分析和技术可行性分析,并对系统功能模块进行划分。

4。对物业管理系统进行系统设计,主要介绍数据库表的设计,还对系统主要功能 模块的设计进行介绍。

5。物业管理系统的实现,主要介绍系统的结构、各子菜单的界面以及相应的功能 操作的实现。

本系统经过测试,可以成功运行,功能较完善,性能较稳定,可以满足设计要求。 通过该物业管理系统,可以提高物业管理效率,节省物业管理成本,提高物业管理水 平和服务质量,协调物业管理员、小区服务人员和小区业主之间关系,形成了网络化、 智能化的新型的管理模式,人们真正享受到了科技给生活带来的好处。


Abstract Nowadays, the economy of China and the development of urban  has  improved rapidly ,and the number of urban community has been increasing rapidly。But the traditional and artificial residential property management has low efficiency and poor quality of service, which can not meet the need of modern residential property management。So,the residential property management system software which uses computer design came into being。This system with informatization and intelligence can effectively improve the efficiency of property management, improve the quality of service and make property owners convenient。

Based on the ideas of property management and principles of software engineering, this article designs the residential property management system with B / S structure。 The main contents include:

1。Determine the background and significance of this research ,and conduct the  status of the research of China and other countries。

2。The related technologies of property management system  are  introduced。The system uses B / S structure technology, Apache server and MySQL database。The main programming language of this system is PHP language。

3。Make requirement analysis and feasibility study of this property management system,including the analysis of functional requirements and non-functional requirements analysis, economic feasibility analysis and technical feasibility analysis,and  system function module has been pided。

4。Design the property management system ,and introduces the design of  database table also describes the design of the system main modules。

5。Introduce the realization of the property management system, including the system structure, the sub-menu interface and the realization of the corresponding functional operation。

The system has been tested to run successfully, with good functionality, high stability,

to meet the design requirements。 The property management system can not only improve the efficiency of property management,save costs and improve the quality of service of property management,but also coordinate the relationship between residential property owners and community service personnel。By the property management system with networking and intelligent,people really enjoy the benefits of science and technology brought to life。 php+mysql物业管理系统的设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_94108.html
