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时间:2022-05-11 21:25来源:毕业论文
asp.net+sqlserver网上购物系统设计以C#和ASP.net为核心语言,数据库使用的是SQL Server 2008。实现的功能主要包括前台界面和后台管理员的设计

摘 要:近年来,电子商务愈发流行,逐渐走入了人们的生活。很多商家为了迎合人们的理念,顺应时代的潮流,在网上建立起了大量的、各式各样的购物网站。购物网站具有强大的功能,给社会带来了一种全新的消费模式,可以满足消费者足不出户就可以轻松购买到自己想要买的东西的需要。另一方面,商家在搭建好网上平台之后,可以吸引更多的顾客前来购买,大大的节约了时间和精力,也不用开实体店那样难于管理。这种新型的消费方式对对双方来说都是极其方便的。将要设计的系统目的主要是,方便大家的购物,使得您在家中轻轻松松的就可以买到自己心仪的物品。此系统的开发是以C#和ASP。net为核心语言,数据库使用的是SQL Server 2008。实现的功能主要包括前台界面和后台管理员的设计,前台主要展示的是商品的信息,添加到购物车以及会员的登录,注册等功能;后台管理员主要实现的有订单管理,商品管理,会员管理等功能。80580

毕业论文关键词:网上购物系统,ASP。NET,C#,SQL Server 2008

Abstract :In recent years, e-commerce is becoming more and more popular, and gradually into the people's life。 Many businesses in order to cater to people's idea, conform to the trend of the times, in the online establishment of a large number of, all kinds of shopping website。 Shopping website with powerful function, to the society brought a kind of brand-new consumption pattern and can meet consumer homes can easily buy what they want to buy。 On the other hand, after the construction of a good business online platform, you can attract more customers to buy, greatly saving time and energy, but also do not have to open the store that is difficult to manage。 This new mode of consumption is extremely convenient for both parties。 We have to do is to achieve the system, all the shopping convenience, make you at home easily can buy their favorite goods。 The development of this system is based on C# and ASP。net as the core language, the database uses Server SQL 2008。 The realization function mainly includes the front interface and the backstage administrator design, in front of the main display is commodity information, added to the shopping cart and member login, registration and other functions; backstage administrator to achieve a order management, merchandise management, membership management function。 

Keywords: Shopping Website,ASP。NET,SQL Server 2008,C#

目  录

1。1选题背景 4

1。2 研究意义 4

2系统开发技术概述 4

2。1 系统需求分析 5

2。2 系统开发平台 5

2。2。1 ASP。NET简介 6

2。2。2 C#简介 6

2。2。3 SQL Server2008 简介 6

3系统分析 6

3。1需求分析 7

3。2功能结构图 7

3。3功能需求具体描述 8

3。4 系统流程图 8

3。5 数据库设计 10

3。5。1 E-R图 11

3。5。2 数据库逻辑设计 12

4系统的详细设计与实现 14

4。1 目录结构说明 14

4。2 数据库连接 15
